Email: | z10608024@email.ncku.edu.tw |
Email2: | peifenkuo@gmail.com |
電話: | 06-2757575 ext.63855 |
辦公室/研究室: | 55309E |
學歷: | 2007 – 2012 PhD, Civil Engineering, Texas A&M University 2001 – 2003 Master of Science, Transportation Engineering Division, National Taiwan University 1997 – 2001 Bachelor of Science, Civil Engineering, National Taiwan University |
經歷: | 2022/2 –now Associate Professor, Department of Geomatics, National Cheng Kung University 2017/8 –2022/1 Assistant Professor, Department of Geomatics, National Cheng Kung University 2014/8 –2017/8 Assistant Professor, Crime Prevention and Corrections, Central Police University 2013/7 – 2014/7 Post-Doctoral Research Associate, Civil Engineering, University of Central Florida 2012/5 – 2013/6 Post-Doctoral Research Associate, Texas A&M Transportation Institute (TTI) |
專長: | Spatial Statistics, Spatial-temporal Analysis and GIS Applications, Spatial Simulation and Agent-based Model, Public Safety and Risk Analysis, Spatial Data Mining and Modeling, Autonomous Vehicle Safety, The Spatial Internet of Things |
授課項目: | Spatial Statistics, Spatial-temporal Analysis and GIS Applications, Spatial Data Mining and Modeling |
個人網站: | https://researchoutput.ncku.edu.tw/zh/persons/pei-fen-kuo |
獎項名稱 |
設獎(主辦)單位 |
年度 |
獎項說明 |
吳大猷先生紀念獎 |
國科會 |
112 年 |
空間資訊學門 |
空間資訊學門計畫成果優良獎 |
國科會 |
113年 |
學術著作清單 (2024-2022)
1. Putra, I.G.B, Kuo, P. F, Lord, D (2024). Estimating the effectiveness of marked sidewalks: An application of the spatial causality approach. Accident Analysis & Prevention, Vol. 206.
2. Kuo, P. F., Hsu,W.T., Lord, D., Putra, I.G.B (2024). Classification of Autonomous Vehicle Crash Severity: Solving The Problems of Imbalanced Datasets and Small Sample Size. Accident Analysis and Prevention.
3. Kuo, P. F., Hsu, W.T., Putra, I.G.B , Sulistyah, U.D. (2024). The proposed model for analyzing off-street parking Dynamics: A case study of Taipei City. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 103965.
4. Kuo, P. F., Sulistyah, U. D., Putra, I. G. B., & Lord, D. (2024). Exploring the spatial relationship of e-bike and motorcycle crashes: Implications for risk reduction.. Journal of Safety Research, 199-216. NSTC 111-WFA-0-911-582.
5. Chiu, C. J., Hou, S. Y., Wang, C. L., Tang, H. H., Kuo, P. C., Liang, S. F., & Kuo, P. F. (2024). The middle-aged and older Chinese adults’ health using actigraphy in Taiwan (MOCHA-T): protocol for a multidimensional dataset of health and lifestyle. BMC Public Health, (24)1.
6. Kuo, P. F., Wen, T. H., Chuang, T. W., Chiu, C. S., Ye, Y. J., & Putra, I. G. B. (2024). Comparing micro-level and macro-level models for epidemic diffusion in the metro system. Journal of Simulation, 1-14.
7. Putra, I., Kuo, P. F.,* & Lord, D. (2023, Dec). Local Spatial Analysis of the Crash Frequency of Food Delivery Motorcyclists vs. Non-delivery Motorcyclists in relation to Points of Interest. .Journal of Advanced Transportation. NSTC 111-WFA-0-911-582.
8. Kuo, P. F, D Lord, UD Sulistyah, A Jhamb (2022, Nov). The impact of the great recession on the spatial patterns of traffic fatalities in Texas: a spatial point pattern test. Transportmetrica A: Transport Science, 1-19.
9. Kuo, P. F., Putra, I. G. B., Setiawan, F. A., Wen, T. H., Chiu, C. S., & Sulistyah, U. D. (2022, May). The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on OD flow and airport networks in the origin country and in Northeast Asia. Journal of Air Transport Management, 100, 102192.