Email: | honejaychu@geomatics.ncku.edu.tw |
Email2: | honejaychu@gmail.com |
電話: | 06-2757575 ext.63827 |
傳真: | 06-2375764 |
辦公室/研究室: | 55321 |
學歷: | 國立交通大學土木工程博士 輔修資訊管理所 國立交通大學土木工程碩士 國立中興大學土木工程學士 |
經歷: | 國立成功大學測量及空間資訊學系教授 (now) 國立成功大學測量及空間資訊學系副教授 (2016~2023) 國立成功大學測量及空間資訊學系助理教授 (2011~2016) 國立台灣大學-生物環境系統工程系-博士後研究員 (2008/8~2011/1) 臺灣地下水資源暨水文地質學會第一屆監事 臺灣地下水資源暨水文地質學會理事 (2021/10/8~2023/10/7) 2022~2019 InnoServe大專院校資訊應用服務創新競賽評審委員 臺南地政局地理資訊倉儲系統審查委員 水庫集水區圖資審查小組 中央研究院資訊科學研究所訪問學人 中央研究院地理資訊科學研究專題中心訪問學人 中央研究院環境變遷研究中心訪問學人 中央研究院地球科學研究所訪問學人 Guest Editor (2022), Special Issue "Sea Surface Temperature: From Observation to Applications II " in JMSE Guest Editor (2021), Special Issue "Modern Water/Air Quality Monitoring and Mapping for Sustainable Management" in Sustainability. Guest Editor (2019), Special Issue "Spatio-Temporal Environmental Monitoring and Social Sensing" in International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health Referee to Evaluate the Ph.D. Thesis - Department of Applied Mechanics & Hydraulics, NITK (2018) 指導學生 參加第三屆全國SuperGIS地理資訊應用創意大賽第一名 參加第二屆全國大專自發性地理資訊創意競賽 第三名 參加2016台灣地理資訊學會年會暨學術研討會學生論文獎 參加2018水資料應用競賽第三名 參加2019 TGIS研討會學生論文獎競賽優等 擔任國內外期刊論文審查委員: ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information MPDI/Remote Sensing 中華民國航空及遙感探測學會期刊 地理學報 |
專長: | 空間資訊系統分析(Spatial analysis) 資料科學(Data science) 空間統計 (Spatial statistics) 環境資源管理(Environmental management) 地下水資源管理(Groundwater management) 土地使用變遷(Land use change) |
授課項目: | 地理資訊系統應用(GIS application) 空間環境資料分析與模式(Spatial Environmental Data Analysis and Model) 開放資料與智慧生活 工程數學 |
個人網站: | http://siaim.geomatics.ncku.edu.tw/ |
個人網站2: | https://sites.google.com/geomatics.ncku.edu.tw/geosmart |
Hone-Jay Chu received Ph.D. from NCTU (2008). His research work involved artificial intelligence and optimization for water resource management. During his post-doc (2008-2011), Dr. Chu worked with Prof. YP Lin on the issue of understanding the pros and cons for the spatial environmental monitoring. They have extended the research goal to improve the performance of the land use change model. From 2011, he joined the Department of Geomatics, National Cheng Kung University as an assistant professor. His works include aiming to spatial information for cases such as groundwater, air pollution, land use/ cover change, landslide detection, historical image registration, and other GIS applications.
2011/ 10 Asian Conference on Remote Sensing(ACRS) 2011 chairman of Flood and Vegetation Restoration Session
2013 MMT chairman of Positioning Orientation System
2014/ 6 Student paper competition committee member in the 22nd International Conference on Geoinformatics
2021 SATU Joint Research Scheme (PI); Monitoring Spatio-Temporal Groundwater Depletion and Subsidence
2022 SATU Joint Research Scheme (PI); Remote-sensing observation for hydrologic drought detection and groundwater change analysis
2023/ 10 Asian Conference on Remote Sensing(ACRS) 2023 chairman of Geohazard Session
We are interested to generate space-time insights from remote sensing, big data and open data for environment, and social sensing. Our current research covers four key themes: 1. Environmental Resilience, 2. Sptio-temporal Data Science, 3. AI and Groundwater, 4. Location Intelligence.
Please feel free to send me any thoughts and comments that you want to share with me.
2024/11/7 成大自災所- City sinking and groundwater decline
2024/5/6 新營高中- 在地智慧遙連結
2024/4/23 陽明交通大學土木系- Spatiotemporal big data analytics and modeling
2022/10/13臺灣國際水週- 時空變遷偵測於水資源管理
2022/10/2高教跨域與前瞻扎根- 專業的通識課程
2022/5 成大Residential Flood Loss Assessment and Risk Mapping from High-Resolution Simulation
2020/1/3成大國際經營管理研究所- Remote sensing and social sensing for management英文演講
2019/9/17 太空中心福爾摩沙衛星影像應用使用者說明會演講-應用福衛五號多光譜影像於水質空間資訊產製
2018/9/27 經濟部水利署水質水量保護區巡查業務教育訓練演講-結合空間資訊於巡查業務與環境監測
2016/9/ 8中央研究院地科所-Storytelling with data from groundwater level measurement
2016/5/27 香港中文大學International Workshop on advanced geospatial technology and urban application-Modern GIS application from point analysis 受邀至國外演講
2015/11/20 中興大學水土保持學系-Data &GIS everywhere
2015/9/ 8 中央研究院人社中心地理資訊科學研究專題中心-GIS with my, our and their data
2013 /12/ 4 曾文社區大學(全國社區大學氣候變遷環境教育推廣)-氣候變遷對水資源之影響
2012 / 8/ 28 中央研究院人社中心地理資訊科學研究專題中心-
Spatial analysis of land cover change processes after disturbances in the watershed scale
2011/ 5 中山大學海洋環境及工程學系-生態環境空間資料分析與應用
Asian Conference on Remote Sensing (ACRS) 2023 chairman of Geohazard II
2022/ 10自駕車用高精地圖布建與導航安全實證國際研討會會場主持人
2021/ 10 TGIS台灣地理資訊研討會-地理資訊技術創新應用議程主持人
2021/ 10 測量及空間資訊研討會論文智慧國土之推動與發展議程主持人
2020/ 7 前瞻數位社會科學人才培育計畫跨域交流會議綠能發展與生態服務議程主持人
2018/ 6 第十屆海峽兩岸GIS發展研討會議程主持人
2018/ 6 The program committee of PNC 2018 (PNC 2018 Annual Conference and Joint Meetings)
2017/ 8 測量及空間資訊研討會-科技部成果發表-地理資訊系統應用議程主持人
2014/ 6 Student paper competition committee member in the 22nd International Conference on Geoinformatics
2014/ 6 台灣地理資訊研討會-地理資訊系統於防救災應用議程主持人
2013/ 6 台灣地理資訊研討會-地理資訊系統於防救災應用議程主持人
2013 MMT chairman of Positioning Orientation System
2012/ 6 台灣地理資訊研討會-防救災與資通技術整合應用議程主持人
2011/ 10 Asian Conference on Remote Sensing(ACRS) 2011 chairman of Flood and Vegetation Restoration Session
Chu, H. J.*, Wijayanti, R. F., Jaelani, L. M., & Tsai, H. P. (2021). Time Varying Spatial Downscaling of Satellite-Based Drought Index. Remote Sensing, 13(18), 3693.
Ali, M. Z., Chu, H. J.*, & Burbey, T. J. (2021). Spatio-temporal estimation of monthly groundwater levels from GPS-based land deformation. Environmental Modelling & Software, 105123.
Chu, H. J.*, Ali, M. Z., & Burbey, T. J. (2021). Spatio-temporal data fusion for fine-resolution subsidence estimation. Environmental Modelling & Software, 137, 104975.
Chu, H. J., Ali, M. Z., & Burbey, T. J. (2021). Development of spatially varying groundwater-drawdown functions for land subsidence estimation. Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies, 35, 100808.
Chu, H. J.*, Ali, M. Z., & He, Y. C. (2020). Spatial calibration and PM 2.5 mapping of low-cost air quality sensors. Scientific Reports, 10, 22079.
Ali, M. Z., Chu, H. J.*, Burbey, T. J. (2020). Mapping and predicting subsidence from spatio-temporal regression models of groundwater-drawdown and subsidence observations, Hydrogeology Journal, 28, 2865–2876.
Chu, H. J.*, Van Nguyen, M., & Jaelani, L. M. 2020. Satellite-Based Water Quality Mapping from Sequential Simulation with Parameter Outlier Removal. Water Resources Management, 34(1), 311-325.
Chen, Y.C, Chang, KT, Wang, S.F, Huang, JC, Yu, CK, Tu, J.Y, Chu, HJ & Liu, CC. 2019, Controls of preferential orientation of earthquake- and rainfall-triggered landslides in Taiwan's orogenic mountain belt, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 44 (9), 1661-1674.
Afifi, Z., Chu, H. J.*, Kuo, Y. L., Hsu, Y. C., Wong, H. K., & Ali, M. Z. 2019. Residential Flood Loss Assessment and Risk Mapping from High-Resolution Simulation. Water, 11(4), 751.
Chu, H. J., Van Nguyen, M., & Jaelani, L. M. 2019. Satellite-Based Water Quality Mapping from Sequential Simulation with Parameter Outlier Removal. Water Resources Management
Chu, H. J., Yang, C. H., & Chou, C. C. 2019. Adaptive non-negative geographically weighted regression for population density estimation based on nighttime light. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 8(1), 26.
蔡怡萱, 邱靜如, 朱宏杰,2019, 台灣各縣市高齡者密度及公車資源之空間分析, 台灣公共衛生雜誌
Chu, H. J. 2018. Drought Detection of Regional Nonparametric Standardized Groundwater Index. Water Resources Management, 32(9), 3119-3134.
H.J. Chu and Chen, Crowdsourcing photograph locations for debris flow hot spot mapping, Natural Hazards. link
H.J. Chu, Kong, S. J., & Chang, C. H. (2018). Spatio-temporal water quality mapping from satellite images using geographically and temporally weighted regression.International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 65, 1-11.
H.J. Chu, et al. 2017, Historic Low Wall Detection via Topographic Parameter Images Derived from Fine-resolution DEM, ISPRS Int. J. Geo-Inf. 2017 6(11), 346 link
H.J. Chu, Lin, Yu, T.C. Chan, 2016, Minimal spatial variability of healthcare spatial accessibility- the case of a dengue fever outbreak, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 13(12), 1235 .
H.J. Chu*, C.K. Wang, S.J. Kong, K.C. Chen, 2016, Integration of Full-waveform LiDAR and Hyperspectral Data to Enhance Tea and Areca Classification, GIScience & Remote Sensing, 53 (4), 542-559
朱宏杰, 曾義星, 江凱偉, 2016, 導入專業測繪成果於開放街圖, 航測及遙測學刊 link
Mergili, M., Krenn, J., H.J. Chu, 2015, r. randomwalk v1. 0, a multi-functional conceptual tool for mass movement routing. Geoscientific Model Development 8(12), 4027-4043.
H.J. Chu, B. Huang, C.Y. Lin, 2015, Modeling the spatio-temporal heterogeneity in the PM10-PM2.5 relationship, Atmospheric Environment, 102:176-182.
Y.H. Tseng, C.K. Wang, H.J. Chu *, Y.C. Hung, 2015, Waveform-based point cloud classification in land-cover identification, International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 34, 78-88. (Impact factor: 3.470; Rank 3th/28 in remote sensing in 2014, SCI)
H.J. Chu*, C.K. Wang, M.L. Huang, C.C. Lee, C.Y. Liu, C.C. Lin, 2014, Effect of point density and interpolation of LiDAR-derived high-resolution DEMs on landscape scarp identification, GIScience and Remote Sensing, 51(6), 731-747
F.J. Jao, H.J. Chu*, and Y.H. Tseng, 2014, Historical Image Registration and Land-Use Land-Cover Change Analysis, Environments, 1(2), 181-189
Y.M. Kuo, H.J. Chu*, T.Y. Pan, 2014, Temporal Precipitation Estimation from nearby Radar Reflectivity using Dynamic Factor Analysis in the Mountainous Watershed- a case during Typhoon Morakot, Hydrological Processes, 28(3), 999–1008. .
C.K. Wang, Y.H. Tseng, H.J. Chu*, 2014, Airborne Dual-Wavelength LiDAR Data for Classifying Land Cover, Remote Sensing, 6(1), 700-715.
朱宏杰、巫燁棋、蔡光哲:結合智慧手機與Kinect 之跌倒偵測監控平台開發, 國土測繪與空間資訊; 4:2 2016.07; 頁87-101 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mybBvDwH2y0 H.J. Chu, 2014, Spatiotemporal analysis of vegetation index after typhoons in the mountainous watershed, International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 28, 20–27. |
Y.M. Kuo, H.J. Chu*, T.Y. Pan, 2014, Temporal Precipitation Estimation from nearby Radar Reflectivity using Dynamic Factor Analysis in the Mountainous Watershed- a case during Typhoon Morakot, Hydrological Processes, 28(3), 999–1008. | |
H.J. Chu, R.A. Chen, Y.H. Tseng, C.K. Wang, 2014, Identifying LiDAR sample uncertainty on terrain features from DEM simulation, Geomorphology, 204, 325–333. | |
C.K. Wang, Y.H. Tseng, H.J. Chu*, 2014, Airborne Dual-Wavelength LiDAR Data for Classifying Land Cover, Remote Sensing, 6(1), 700-715 | |
H-J Chu, T-C Chan, F-J Jao, 2013, GIS-aided Planning of Insecticide Spraying to Control Dengue Transmission, International Journal of Health Geographics, 12:42 | |
H.-J Chu,. Tsai, G.-J., Chiang, K.-W., Duong, T.-T., 2013, GPS/MEMS INS Data Fusion and Map Matching in Urban Areas. Sensors, 13, 11280-11288. ![]() |
H.-J. Chu*, C-Y Liu, C-K Wang, 2013, Identifying the Relationships of Water Quality and Land Cover Changes in the Tseng-Wen Reservoir Watershed of Taiwan, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 10(2), 478-489 | |
H.-J. Chu, C.-F. Wu, Y.P. Lin, 2013, Incorporating spatial autocorrelation with neural networks in empirical land-use change models. Environment and Planning B, 40(3), 384-404 | |
Lin, Y.-P., N.-M. Hong, L.-C. Chiang, Y.-L. Liu, H.-J. Chu, 2012, Adaptation of land-use demands to the impact of climate change on the hydrological processes of an urbanized watershed, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2012, 9, 4083-4102 | |
莊昀、陳冠宇、朱宏杰、避難救災空間資訊系統之整合與開發,地理資訊系統季刊6(3), 33-37, 2012 ![]() |
H.J. Chu, TY Pan, J.J. Liou, 2012, Change-Point Detection of Long-Duration Extreme Precipitation and the Effect on Hydrologic Design: A Case Study of South Taiwan, Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 26 (8), 1123-1130. | |
H.L. Yu and H.J. Chu*, 2012, Recharge signal identification based on groundwater level observations, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 184 (10), 5971-5982. ![]() |
HJ Chu*, 2012, Assessing the relationship between elevation and extreme precipitation with various durations in southern Taiwan using spatial regression models, Hydrological Processes, 26 ( 21), 3174–3181. ![]() |
H.J. Chu, CY Lin, CJ Liau, YM Kuo, 2012, Identifying Controlling Factors of Ground-level Ozone Levels over Southwestern Taiwan Using a Decision Tree, Atmospheric Environment, 60, 142–152. | |
Wang, Y.C., Y.P. Lin, C.W. Huang, Li-Chi Chiang, H.J. Chu, W.S. Ou , 2012. A system dynamic model and sensitivity analysis for simulating domestic pollution removal in a free water surface constructed wetland, Water, Air, & Soil Pollution 223, (5), 2719-2742. | |
H.J. Chu, HL Yu, Y.M. Kuo, 2012, Identifying spatial mixture distributions of PM2.5 and PM10 in Taiwan during and after a dust storm, Atmospheric Environment. 54, 728-737. | |
L.C. Chang, H.J. Chu*, C.T. Hsiao, 2012. Integration of Optimal Dynamic Control and Neural Network for Groundwater Quality Management, Water Resources Management. 26, 5, 1253-1269 | |
H.J. Chu, C.J. Liau, C.H. Lin, B.S. Su, 2012, Integration of fuzzy cluster analysis and kernel density estimation for tracking typhoon trajectories in the Taiwan region, Expert systems with applications, 39 (10), 9451–9457 | |
Y.M. Kuo, H.J. Chu*, TY Pan, H.L. Yu, 2011. Investigating common trends of annual maximum rainfalls during heavy rainfall events in southern Taiwan, Journal of Hydrology 409 (3-4) 749-758 | |
Y.P. Lin, C.R. Chang, H.J. Chu*, B.Y. Cheng, 2011. Identifying the spatial mixture distribution of bird diversity across urban and suburban areas in the metropolis: a case study in Taipei Basin of Taiwan, Landscape and Urban Planning, 102, 3: 156-163(工學院優質論文獎助). | |
C.F. Wu , C.H. Lai , H.J. Chu , W.H. Lin , 2011, Evaluating and Mapping of Spatial Air Ion Quality Patterns in a Residential Garden Using a Geostatistic Method. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 8(6):2304-2319. | |
H.J. Chu, T.Y. Pan, J.J. Liou, 2011, Extreme Precipitation Estimation with Typhoon Morakot Using Frequency and Spatial Analysis, Terrestrial, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences 22, (6), 549-558. | |
Y.P. Lin, B.Y. Cheng, H.J. Chu*, T.K. Chang, 2011, Assessing how heavy metal pollution and human activity are related by using logistic regressions and kriging methods. Geoderma 163 (3-4), 275-282. | |
Wei-Ta Fang, K. Douglas Loh, Hone-Jay Chu and Bai-You Cheng. 2011. Applying Artificial Neural Network on Modelling Waterbird Diversity in Irrigation Ponds of Taoyuan, Taiwan, Artificial Neural Networks - Application, Chi Leung Patrick Hui (Ed.), ISBN: 978-953-307-188-6, InTech | |
Y.P. Lin , H.J.Chu* , C.F. Wu , T.K. Chang, C.Y. Chen. 2011. Hotspot Analysis of Spatial Environmental Pollutants Using Kernel Density Estimation and Geostatistical Techniques. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 8(1):75-88. | |
Y.P. Lin, H.J. Chu, Y.L. Huang, C.H. Tang, S. Rouhani, 2010, Monitoring and Identification of Spatiotemporal Landscape Changes in Multiple Remote Sensing Images by Using a Stratified Conditional Latin Hypercube Sampling Approach and geostatistical simulation. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment (Impact factor: 1.356; Rank 105th/180 in Environmental Sciences in 2009, SCI) (Published online). DOI: 10.1007/s10661-010-1639-5 | |
Y.P. Lin, H.J. Chu*, C.F. Wu, 2010, Spatial pattern analysis of landslide using landscape metrics and logistic regression: a case study in central Taiwan. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences Discussion 7, 3423-3451, 2010 (Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, Impact factor: 2.462; Rank 2th/65 in Water Resources in 2009, SCI). | |
H.J. Chu, Y.P. Lin, C.S. Jang , T.K. Chang, 2010, Delineating the hazard zone of multiple soil pollutants by multivariate indicator kriging and conditioned Latin hypercube sampling, Geoderma 158 (2010) 242–251 (Impact factor: 2.068; Rank 6th/31 in Soil Science in 2008, SCI). | |
H.J. Chu, Y.P. Lin, C.W. Huang, C.Y. Hsu, H.Y. Chen, 2010, Modeling the Hydrologic Effect of Dynamic Land Use Change using a Distributed Hydrologic Model and a Spatial Land-use Allocation Model, Hydrological Processes. 24 (18), 2538–2554. (Impact factor: 2.002; Rank 7th/60 in Water Resources in 2008, SCI). | |
Y.P. Lin, H.J. Chu*, Y.L. Huang, B.Y. Cheng, T.K. Chang, 2011, Modeling Spatial Uncertainty of Heavy Metal Content in Soil by Conditional Latin Hypercube Sampling and Geostatistical Simulation, Environmental Earth Sciences. 62 (2), 299-311 (Impact factor: 1.026; Rank 32th/60 in Water Resources in 2008, SCI). | |
Y.P. Lin, H.J. Chu, C.F. Wu, P. H. Verburg, 2011, Predictive ability of logistic regression, auto-logistic regression and neural network models in empirical land-use change modeling - a case study, International Journal of Geographical Information Science. (Impact factor: 1.596; Rank 39th/99 in Computer science, information systems in 2008, SCI). 25 (1), 65–87. DOI: 10.1080/13658811003752332. | |
H.J. Chu, L.C. Chang, 2010, Optimizing capacity-expansion planning of groundwater supply system between cost and subsidence, ASCE's Journal of Hydrologic Engineering. Vol.15, No.8, 632-641 (Impact factor: 1.089; Rank 26/ 106 in civil engineering in 2009, SCI). | |
H.J. Chu, Y.P. Lin, C.F. Wu, 2010, Forecasting Space-Time Land Use Change in the Paochiao Watershed of Taiwan Using Demand Estimation and Empirical Simulation Approaches, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 6016: 116-130 (2005 SCI) (EI) | |
H.L. Yu, H.J. Chu*, 2010, Understanding Space-time Patterns of Groundwater Systems by Empirical Orthogonal Functions: a case study in the Choshui River Alluvial Fan, Taiwan, Journal of Hydrology. 381 (3-4), 239-247. (Impact factor: 2.433; Rank 3/ 106 in civil engineering in 2009, SCI). |