Email: | rjyou@mail.ncku.edu.tw |
Email2: | rjyou01@gmail.com |
電話: | 06-2757575 ext.63821 |
傳真: | 06-2375764 |
辦公室/研究室: | 計中8樓 55841室 |
學歷: | 德國 司徒佳特大學-大地測量科學研究所 工學博士 成功大學測量工程學系 學士 成功大學航空攝影測量研究所 碩士 |
經歷: | 1995 德國 司徒佳特大學-大地測量科學研究所 工學博士 1995-2012 國立成功大學 測量及空間資訊學系 副教授 1986-1988 國立成功大學-測量工程學系-助教 1995-1999 國際大地測量協會 (IAG) 第四部門第一委員會第 五次委員會主席 1998-2005 內政部國家基本控制測量推動小組委員 2000-2011 國際大地測量學及地球物理學聯合會中華民國委員 會委員 2010-2011 考選部技師考試改進推動委員會第3分組委員 2011-2012 考選部營建工程技師考試審議委員會委員 2017- 考選部營建工程技師考試審議委員會委員 |
專長: | 測量製圖、大地測量、衛星測量、光達測量、誤差理論、統計平差、測量及空間資料品質分析 (Geomatics Engineering, Geodesy, Satellite Geodesy, Lidar, Theroy of Errors, Statistical Adjustment, Quality analysis of Geomatical and Geospatial data) |
授課項目: | 現今:測量學、工程統計、誤差理論 曾授:大地測量學、物理大地測量學、測量坐標系統、高等衛星大地測量、統計平差、工程數學 |
個人網站: | https://researchoutput.ncku.edu.tw/zh/persons/rey-jer-you |
- 尤瑞哲 (1985 - ): Collocation 坐標轉換軟體 (Software)
- 尤瑞哲 (2005 - ): GPS-Heighting 軟體 (Software)
- 尤瑞哲等11名作者著(2024): 現代測量學 (Modern Geomatics)。ISBN 786269855575,滄海書局,台中。
- 尤瑞哲(2019): 基礎測量平差法 (Fundamentals of Least Squares Adjustment)。ISBN 9789863630777,滄海書局,台中。2021.06 勘誤表
- 尤瑞哲(2019): 進階測量平差法 (Advanced Least Squares Adjustment), ISBN 9789863630791,滄海書局,台中。2019.01版勘誤表
- 尤瑞哲(2011): 測量及空間資訊坐標系統與轉換 (Coordinate systems and its transformations for Geomatics and Geo-spatial Information),ISBN 978-957-41-8374-6,414頁。國立成功大學測量及空間資訊學系,台南
- Grafarend, E.W., You, R.J. and Syffus, R. (2014): Map projections for Cartographic Information Systems (地圖投影專書). 2nd. Edition, 2 Volumes, ISBN 978-3-642-36493-8, Springer Verlag, Berlin
- You, R.J. (1995): Zur analytischen Bahnberechnung-kuensflicher Erdsatelliten mittels konformer Transformationen. Ph.D. Dissertation, Universitaet Stuttgart, Deutschland, DGK C440, Muenchen。ISSN 0065-5325, ISBN 3-7696-9483-X (Ph.D. dissertation, Stuttgart University, Germany. English translation: Analytical Computation of Earth artificial satelite's orbits by conformal transformations. 德國司徒加特大學博士論文:利用正形投影轉換法解析計算地球人造衛星軌道)
- You, R.J. (1990): Berechnung einer J2-gestoerten Satellitenbahn. Diplom Arbeit des Geodaetischen Institut der Universitaet Stuttgart. (M.Sc. thesis of Stuttgart University. English translation: Computation of a J2-perturbed satellite orbit. 德國司徒加特大學碩士論文: J2 -擾動的人造衛星軌道計算)
- 尤瑞哲(1984): 台灣三角網精度之檢討。國立成功大學航測研究所 碩士論文。 MSc. Thesis, Institute of Photogrammetry, National Cheng Kung University.
- You, R.J. and Lee, C.-L. (2020): Accuracy improvement of airborne Lidar strip adjustment by using height data and surface Feature strength information derived from the tensor voting algorithm. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 9, 50; doi:10.3390/ijgi9010050.
- Hsu, Y.-J. Lai, Y.-R., You, R.-J. Chen, H.-Y., Teng, S.L. Tsai, Y., Tang, C.-H., and Su, H.H. Su (2018): Detecting rock uplift across southern Taiwan mountain belt by integrated GPS and leveling data.doi.org/10.1016/j.tecto.2018.07.012,Tectonophysics,744(2018) 275-284.
- Imani, M., Chen Y.-C., You,R.J., Lan, W.-H., Kuo, C.Y., Chang, J.C., and Rateb, A. (2017): Spatiotemporal Prediction of Satellite Altimetry Sea Level Anomalies in the Tropical Pacific Ocean. IEEE GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING LETTERS, VOL. 14, NO. 7: 1126-1130.
- Imani, M., You, R.J. * and Kuo, C.Y. (2016): Prediction of Caspian Sea Level Fluctuations Using Artificial Intelligence. In Srivastava, P. K. (2016): "Geospatial Technology for Water Resource Development", Chapter 15. 978-1498719681, CRC Press, Taylor and Francis, USA.
- Keller, W. and You, R.J. (2015): Rosborough approach for the determination of regional time variability of the gravity field from satellite gradiometry data. International Journal on Geomathematics 6: 295-318 (11/ 2015). MOST 104-2911-1-006-518 .
- Grafarend, E.W. and You, R.J. (2015): Fourth order Taylor-Kármán structured covariance tensor for gravity gradient predictions by means of the Hankel transformation. International Journal on Geomathematics 6: 319-342 (11/ 2015). MOST 102- 2911-I-006-507, 104-2911- I-006-518.
- Keller, W. and You, R.J. (2014): Adaptation of the torus and Rosborough approach to radial base functions. Studia Geophysica et Geodaetica, Volume 58, Issue 2, pp 249-268.
- You, R.J. and Ko, C.H. (2014); Optimal scale factor on the central meridian for a 2oTM map Projection in TWD97. Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, Vol. 37, No. 1, pp.103-109, DOI:10.1080/02533839.2012.751335. (NSC 99-2221-E-006-182)
- Imani, M., You, R.J., and Kuo, C.Y. (2014): Forecasting Caspian Sea level changed using satellite altimetry data (June 1992-December 2013) based on evolutionary support vector regression algorithms and gene expression programming. Global and Planetary Change 121, pp 53-63. (NSC 102-2221-E-006-234)
- Imani, M., You, R.J., and Kuo, C.Y. (2014): Caspian Sea Level Prediction Using Satellite Altimetry by Artificial Neural Networks, International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, Volume 11, Issue 4, pp 1035-1042. DOI: 10.1007/s13762-013-0287-z. (NSC 100-2221-E-006-234, NSC 101-2221-E-006-183)
- Imani, M., You, R.J., and Kuo, C.Y. (2014): Analysis and Prediction of Caspian Sea Level pattern Anomalies Observed by Satellite Altimetry Using Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average Models. Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 7, Issue 8, pp. 3339-3348. DOI: 10.1007/s12517- 013-1048-5. (NSC 102-2221-E-006-234)
- Imani, M., You, R.J., Kuo, C.Y. (2013): Accurate Forecasting of Satellite-derived Seasonal Caspian Sea Level Anomaly Using Polynomial Interpolation and Holt-Winters Exponential Smoothing. Terrestrial Atmospheric and Oceanic Science, Vol. 24, No. 4, Part I, 521-530, DOI:10.3319/TAO.2012.10.12.01(TibXS). (NSC 100-2221-E- 006-234)
- You, R.J. and Lin, B.C. (2011): A Quality Prediction Method for Building Model Reconstruction using LiDAR Data and Topographic Map. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing Vol. 49 (9) PP 3471-3480 (NSC 98-2221-E-006-218, NSC 99-2221-E-006-182)
- You, R.J. and Lin, B. C. (2011): Building feature extraction from airborne Lidar data based on tensor voting algorithm. Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, Vol. 77 (12) 1221-1231. NSC 95-2221-E006-337, NSC 98-2221-E-006-218, NSC 99-2221-E-006-182.
- You, R.J. and Wang, W.L. (2009): Automatic planar feature matching for adjustment of Lidar strips. J. Photogr. & Remote Sensing, Vol 14, No.3, pp. 185-199. (in Chinese)
- You, R.J. and Yang, M. J. (2008): Influence of local ionospheric model on GPS positioning --- A case study of Taiwan’s GPS tracking data over 2004. J. Chinese Society of Engineering Surveying, Vol. 50, No., 12, pp. 19-36. (in Chinese)
- You, R. J. (2006): Local Geoid Improvement Using GPS and Leveling Data: Case Study. ASCE J. Surv. Eng. Vol. 132, N0, 3, pp. 101-107.
- You, R.J. and Hwang, H.W. (2006):Coordinate Transformation between Two geodetic Datums of Taiwan by Least Squares Collocation. ASCE J. Surv. Eng. Vol. 132, N0, 2, pp. 64-70.
- You, R.J., Lee, C.H. and Lin, B.C. (2006): Airborne Lidar data filtering using robust prediction method. J. Chinese Society of Engineering Surveying, Vol. 48, No. 1&2, pp. 63-80. (in Chinese)
- You, R.J. and Lee, C.L. (2005): Application of the Common Subsequence Algorithms on the Automatic Detection of Building Boundaries by Integrating Image Features and LiDAR Point Clouds. J. Chinese Society of Engineering Surveying, Vol. 47, No. 4, pp. 21-34. (in Chinese)
- 尤瑞哲 (2020):應用線性七參數相似轉換於車載製圖系統空中三角平差之研究。TGIS 2020, Dec. 10-11, 台南。
- Lin, S.-W. and You, R.-J. (2018): Positioning accuracy improvement of terrestrial mobile mapping systems using a bundle block adjustment. The 39th ACRS, 2018.10.15-10.19, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
- Tsai, T.-Z. and You, R.-J. (2018) Linear solution of overdetermined seven-parameter transformation. The 39th ACRS, 2018.10.15-10.19, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
- Jhou, C.-Y., Lin, S.-W., You, R. J. (2018): Positioning Improvement of Mobile Mapping System by Bundle Adjustment and Shadow Matching. International Symposium on Remote Sensing 2018, 9 – 11 May 2018, Alpensia Convention Center, Pyeongchang, Korea.
- Lia, Y.-R., Hsu, Y.-J., You, R.-J. (2017): Integrating Continuous GPS Time Series and Geodetic Leveling Data to Estimate Secular Vertical Velocity of Taiwan. American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting, 11-15 Dec. 2017, New Orleans, Louisiana.
- You, R.J. and Kao, W.N. (2015): GOCE gravity gradient predictions by Taylor-Marman structured covariance tensor. ACRS 2015 The 36th Asian Conference on Remote Sensing 10.19. - 10.23 2015, Manila, Philippines. MOST 102-2221-E-006-234.
- Liu, Z.F. , Pan, L.W. and You, R.J. (2015): Determination of Earth’s gravity field by Torus and Rosborough approaches. (in Chinese) The 34th Survey and Geographical Information Research Conference, August. 27-28,2015, National Ilan University, Ilan. (MOST 103-2221-E-006-169)
- Yan, H. and You, R.J. (2015) A method to solve the multicollinearity problems. (in Chinese) The 34th Survey and Geographical Information Research Conference, August. 27-28,2015, Nation al Ilan University, Ilan. (MOST 103-2221-E-006-169)
- Huang, W.C., Lin, Y.T. and You, R.J (2015) Shadow matching algorithm and VRS-RTK technique for mobile positioning. (in Chinese) The 34th Survey and Geographical Information Research Conference, August. 27-28,2015, Nation al Ilan University, Ilan.
- Ko, C.H. and You, R.J. (2015) A study of optimal scale factor on a 2oTM map in TWD97. (in Chinese) The 34th Survey and Geographical Information Research Conference, August. 27-28,2015, Nation al Ilan University, Ilan.
- Lia, Y.-R., Wang, T.-T., Huang, T.H., You, R.-J. (2015): Multi-scale and Temporal-stage Integrated Survey Technology for Site Displacement and Deformation Monitoring in Geotechnical Engineering. The 26th General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG), 22 June – 2 July 2015, Prague, Czech Republic.
- Imani, M, You, R.J. and C.Y. Kao (2013): Prediction lake level variations using satellite observations in Caspain Sea: Case study. The 34th Asian Conference on Remote Sensing. 20-24 October, 2013, Bali, Indonesia.
- Grafarend, E.W. and You, R.J. (2013): The Geometry of the Kepler orbit/perturbed Kepler orbit/ in Maupertuis manifold by minimizing the scalar of Riemann Curvature tensor, aspect of the Kustaanheimo-Stiefel elements in Satellite Geodesy. The General Assembly 2013 of the European Geosciences Union to be held in Vienna, Austria, 07-12 April 2013.
- You, R.J. and Lin, B. C. (2012): Residual Tensor Analysis for Quality Assessment of Data Integration. The 33th Asian Conference on Remote Sensing. 26-30 November, 2012, Pattaya, Thailand.
- Lin, B.C. and You, R.J. (2012): Tensor-Based quality prediction for building model reconstruction from LiDAR data and topographic map. The XXII Congress of the International Society for Photogrammetry and remote Sensing, VII/7: Theory and Experiments in Radar and Lidar, 25 Aug. - 1 Sept, 2012, Melbourne, Australia.
- Hsu, M.C and You, R.J. (2012): Map-aided GPS/INS Navigation with DEM Data. (英文) 測量及空間資訊學術研討會,Sept. 27-28,2012,中國文化大學,台北。
- Imani, M., You, R. J., Kuo, C.-Y., and Ardalan, A. (2011): Sea level variations at southern part of Caspian sea as one of the effective factors in environmental damage at coastal areas of Iran. International Conference on Environmental Quality Concern, Control and Conservation, May 20-21, 2011, Kaohsiung, Taiwan ROC.
- Lin, B.C., You, R.J. M.C., Shu, M.C. (2010): Building model reconstruction with LiDAR data and topographic map by registration of building outlines. ISPRS 1910-2010 Centenary Celebration, July 2-7, 2010, Vienna, Austria.
- 尤瑞哲和王蜀嘉 (2012): 從理論和實務的觀點檢討一千分之一數值地形圖成果檢查作業規定。第31屆測量及空間資訊研討會,Sept. 27-28,2012,中國文化大學,台北。
- Lee, C.L. and You, R.J. (2010): Applications of Surface Feature Strength for Lidar Calibration. 兩岸非常規攝影測量研討會論文集,第212-220 頁,國立成功大學,台南。
- 林柏丞、尤瑞哲 (2010): 融合光達與地形圖資料重建三維建物模型。兩岸非常規攝影測量研討會論文集,第201-211 頁,國立成功大學,台南。李亞蒨,尤瑞哲,李昭諒 (2010): 應用掃描線演算法於光達平面特徵萃取。第29屆測量及空間資訊研討會,Sept. 2-3,2010,國立台北大學,台北
- 林柏丞、尤瑞哲、洪榮宏、廖向芃、柯承宏 (2010): 整合型地籍資料處理系統之開發。第29屆測量及空間資訊研討會論文集,Sept. 2-3,2010,國立台北大學,台北
- 應用線性七參數相似轉換於車載製圖系統空中三角平差之研究 (MOST 108-2621-M-006-004).
- 提升車載移動測繪系統定位精度的研究 (MOST 105-2119-M-006-034).
- 應用球小波函數的 Torus 和 Rosborough 方法於局部重力場決定之研究 (MOST 103-2221-E-006-169)
- 多維向量場之相關模型及變方-協變方張量在測量空間資訊上的應用之研究 (II)(NSC 102-2221-E-006 -234)
- 多維向量場之相關模型及變方-協變方張量在測量空間資訊上的應用之研究 (NSC 101-2221-E-006-183)
- 加入地面輔助資料的GPS/INS定位與定向研究 (II) (NSC100-2221-E-006-234)
- 加入地面輔助資料的GPS/INS定位與定向研究 (I) (NSC 99-2221-E-006-182)
- 整合光達和影像資料進行房屋重建和其品質分析 (NSC 98-2221-E-006-218)
- 結合光達資料及航測影像的平差模式和其應用之研究 (II) (NSC 97-2221-E-006-207)
- 結合光達資料及航測影像的平差模式和其應用之研究 (I)(NSC 96-2221-E-006-149)
- Tensor Voting演算法應用於光達點雲幾何特徵萃取之研究(NSC 95-2221-E-006-337)
- 開放式水利地理資訊GML資料標準之落實 (經濟部水利署) 2012
- 國土資訊系統地籍資料加值服務管理系統開發 (內政部國土測繪中心) 2009
- 國土資訊系統資料流通共享相關標準制度第二階段規劃建置作業(第二年)(內政部) 2010
- 台南縣公共設施管線位置調查暨系統建置第1期計劃委託監審案(台南縣政府) 2010
- 高雄縣公共設施管線位置調查暨系統建置第2期計畫委託監審案(高雄縣政府) 2010
- 臺南市公共設施管線位置調查暨系統建置第三期計畫委託監審案(台南市政府) 2013
- 台中市103 年度公共設施管線資料調查暨系統更新擴充(監驗) (台中市政府) 2014
- 臺南市公共設施管線位置調查暨系統建置第四期計畫委託監審案(台南市政府) 2014
- 103年度嘉義縣公共設施管線位置調查暨系統建置第三期計畫委託監審(嘉義縣政府) 2014
- 臺南市公共設施管線位置調查暨系統建置第五期計畫委託監審案(台南市政府) 2015
- 臺東縣公共設施管線位置調查暨系統建置第四期計畫委託監審案(臺東縣政府) 2015
- 104年度嘉義縣公共設施管線位置調查暨系統建置第三期計畫委託監審(嘉義縣政府) 2015
- 臺南市公共設施管線位置調查暨系統建置第六期計畫委託監審案(台南市政府) 2016
- 台中市103 年度公共設施管線資料調查暨系統更新擴充第5期計畫(監驗) (台中市政府) 2017
- 臺南市公共設施管線位置調查暨系統建置第七期計畫委託監審案(台南市政府) 2017
- 高雄市公共設施管線位置調查暨系統建置第八期計畫委託監審案(高雄市政府) 2017
- 台中市1077 年度公共設施管線資料調查暨系統更新擴充第6期計畫(監驗) (台中市政府) 2018
- 臺南市公共設施管線位置調查暨系統建置第九期計畫委託監審案(台南市政府) 2019
- 高雄市公共設施管線位置調查暨系統建置第十期計畫委託監審案(高雄市政府) 2019
- 臺南市公共設施管線位置調查暨系統建置第十期計畫委託監審案(台南市政府) 2020
- 高雄市公共設施管線位置調查暨系統建置第十一期計畫委託監審案(高雄市政府) 2020
- 臺南市公共設施管線位置調查暨系統建置第十一期計畫委託監審案(台南市政府) 2021
- 高雄市公共設施管線位置調查暨系統建置第十二期計畫委託監審案(高雄市政府) 2021
- 高速公路測量作業準則 (中興工程顧問股份有限公司) 2020
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