Email: | fychu@gs.ncku.edu.tw |
電話: | 06-2727575 #63835 |
辦公室/研究室: | 55304 |
學歷: | 成功大學 台灣 測量工程學系 學士 成功大學 台灣 測量及空間資訊學系 碩士 成功大學 台灣 測量及空間資訊學系 博士 |
經歷: | 成功大學 測量及空間資訊學系 專任助理教授 自 2024/8~現今 政治大學 地政學系 專任助理教授 自 2020/2~2024/8 東京海洋大學 情報通信工學研究室 博士後研究員 自2018/8~2020/2 成功大學 測量及空間資訊學系 博士後研究員 自2013/11~2018/7 |
專長: | 1. 精密 GNSS 定位導航 2. GNSS 數學模型建置及參數估計 3. 平差及濾波技術 4. 大地測量 |
授課項目: | 1. Algorithm Structure of GNSS Precise Positioning |
- Yan-Shen Chen, Chia-Hung Chen, Ming Yang, Feng-Yu Chu (2024) Evaluate the Impact of Regional Ionospheric Data Assimilation Model on Precise Point Positioning. Space Weather 22 (8) (SCI, IF 3.8)
- Yang Ming, Huai-Chien Hsu, Chu Feng-Yu* (2024) Taiwan Online Precise Point Positioning Service (TOPS): Methodology and Test Results, Surveying Engineering 150 (3). (SCI, IF 1.53, SJR: Q3(Civil and Structural Engineering), Rank: 174/335)
- Chu Feng-Yu, Kubo N, Zhang Y (2023) Mixed QZSS/GPS/Galileo RTK positioning with a trade off between ionosphere weighting and ionosphere fixed models: an ambiguity resolution method for Japan. GPS Solutions 27 (52) (SCI, IF 4.9, SJR: Q1(Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous)) Rank: 31/322).
- Chu Feng-Yu, Chen Yin-Wei (2023) Monitoring Structural Displacements on a Wall with Five-Constellation Precise Point Positioning: A Position-Constrained Method and the Performance Analyses, Remote Sensing, Vol.15, No.15. (SCI, IF 5.0, SJR: Q1(Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous)), Rank: 37/322).
- Chiang Kai-Wei *, Li Yu-Hua, Hsu Li-Ta, Chu Feng-Yu, (2020) The Design a TDCP-Smoothed GNSS/Odometer Integration Scheme with Vehicular-Motion Constraint and Robust Regression, Remote Sensing, Vol.12, No.16, pp.2550. (SCI, IF 5.0, SJR: Q1(Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous)), Rank: 37/322).
- Zhang Y, Kubo N, Chen J, Chu Feng-Yu, Wang A, Wang J (2019) Apparent clock and TGD biases between BDS-2 and BDS-3. GPS Solutions 24 (27) (SCI, IF 4.9, SJR: Q1 (Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous)), Rank: 31/322).
- Zhang Yize, Kubo Nobuaki, Chen Junping, Chu Feng-Yu, Wang Hu (2019) Contribution of QZSS to multi-GNSS long baseline RTK, Journal of Spatial Science. (SCI, IF 1.078, SJR: Q2(Geography, Planning and Development), Rank: 324/785).
- Chu Feng-Yu, Yang Ming*, Chen Yan-Ting (2019) GEO-pivoted Carrier Ambiguity Resolution: A Method for Instantaneous Ambiguity Resolution in Mid–low Latitude Regions, GPS Solutions 23(107) (SCI, IF 4.9, SJR: Q1 (Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous)), Rank: 31/322).
- Yang Ming, Chu Feng-Yu*, Lin Chieh-Yu (2018) GNSS ambiguity resolution in kinematic positioning: benefits of satellite availability and sampling rate, Journal of Aeronautics, Astronautics and Aviation 50 (2):187-204 (EI).
- Chu Feng-Yu, Yang Ming* (2018) BDS triple-frequency ambiguity resolution without using code measurements. Remote Sensing 10(5):675 (SCI, IF 5.0, SJR: Q1(Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous)), Rank: 37/322).
- Chu Feng-Yu, Yang Ming, Chen Yan-Ting (2017) Improving single-epoch RTK positioning under higher ionospheric influences using GNSS measurements, Journal of Aeronautics, Astronautics and Aviation 49 (2):83-90 (EI).
- 儲豐宥、楊名*、李皇緣 (2022),利用全球電離層網格縮短GPS 精密單點定位之收斂時間,台灣土地研究, Vol.25, No.2, pp.69-88.(TSSCI).
- 儲豐宥、甯方璽 (2023), 智慧型手機之單頻RTK定位:擺放姿態影響以及地籍測量可行性初探,中正嶺學報, Vol.52, No.2, pp.1-9 (EI).
- Chu Feng-Yu, Yang Ming*, Wu Joz (2016) A new approach to modernized GPS phase-only ambiguity resolution over long baselines. Journal of Geodesy 90 (3):241-254 (SCI, IF 4.4, SJR: Q1 (Geophysics), Rank: 14/151).
- Chu Feng-Yu, Yang Ming* (2014) GPS/Galileo long baseline computation: method and performance analyses. GPS Solutions 18 (2):263-272 (SCI, IF 4.9, SJR: Q1(Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous)), Rank: 31/322).
- Chu Feng-Yu, Yang Ming (2014) Triple-frequency GPS ambiguity resolution for postprocessed medium-range baseline determination: a phase-only method. Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers 37 (3):279-287 (SCI, IF 1.01, SJR: Q3(Engineering (miscellaneous)), Rank: 240/427).
- Kuo C-Y, Chiu K-W, Chiang K-W, Cheng K-C, Lin L-C, Tseng H-Z, Chu Feng-Yu, Lan W-H, Lin H-T (2012) High-Frequency Sea Level Variations Observed by GPS Buoys Using Precise Point Positioning Technique. Terr Atmos Ocean Sci 23 (2):209-218 (SCI, IF 0.8, SJR: Q2(Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous)), Rank: 160/322).
- Chu Feng-Yu, Yang Ming A Triple-frequency Phase-only Algorithm for Modernized GPS Kinematic Positioning. In proceeding: ION GNSS 2011, pp 2280-2286 (EI).
- Chu Feng-Yu, Yang Ming (2008) GPS/Galileo long baseline computation: method and performance analysis, International Symposium on GPS/GNSS 2008, Tokyo, November 11-14 (Oral).
- Chu Feng-Yu, Yang Ming (2009) A phase-only triple-frequency algorithm for GNSS kinematic Positioning, International Symposium on GPS/GNSS 2008, Jeju, November 4-6 (Poster).
- Chu Feng-Yu, Yang Ming (2010) A Triple-Frequency phase-only algorithm for future GPS, Western pacific geophysics meeting, Taipei, Jun 22-25 (Oral).
- Chu Feng-Yu, Yang Ming (2011) A Triple-frequency Phase-only Algorithm for Modernized GPS Kinematic Positioning. In ION GNSS 2011, Portland, Oregon, September 19-23 (Oral).
- Chu Feng-Yu, Yang Ming (2015) Long baseline computation without using code measurements: ambiguity resolution performance analysis. International Symposium on GNSS 2015, Kyoto, November 16-19. (Oral)
- Chu Feng-Yu, Chen Yan-Ting, Yang Ming (2016) Improving single-epoch RTK positioning by using combined GNSS measurements. International Symposium on GNSS 2016 Tainan, December 5-7. (Oral)
- Chu Feng-Yu, Yang Ming (2016) The performance of BeiDou phase-only triple-frequency ambiguity resolution. International Symposium on GNSS 2016 Tainan, December 5-7. (Oral)
- Lin Chieh-Yu, Yang Ming, Chu Feng-Yu (2016) Integrated GPS/GLONASS/BeiDou high-rate kinematic positioning. International Symposium on GNSS 2016 Tainan, December 5-7.(Oral)
- Chu Feng-Yu, Yang Ming (2017) Improved single-epoch GNSS real-time kinematic positioning in mid-low latitude regions under active ionospheric conditions. International Symposium on Remote Sensing 2017, Nagoya, Japan, May 17-19. (Oral)
- Chu Feng-Yu, Yang Ming (2017) An approach to improve single-epoch ambiguity resolution for short baselines in mid-low latitude regions. International Symposium on GNSS 2017 Hong Kong, December 9-13. (Oral)
- Wang Wenzhe, Chu Feng-Yu, Yang Ming (2018) Multi-GNSS induced performance enhancements in constrained environments. International Symposium on GNSS, 2018 Bali, November 21-23. (Oral)
- Wang Wenzhe, Chu Feng-Yu, Yang Ming (2019) Performance assessment of RTK positioning with a multi-GNSS dual-frequency low-cost receiver. International Symposium on Remote Sensing 2019, Taipei, April 17-19. (Oral)
- Chu Feng-Yu, Kubo N, Zhang Y (2019) Using the Features of QZSS to Improve Medium-baseline RTK Performance over Japan. International Symposium on GNSS 2019, Jeju island, Korea. October 29~November 1. (Oral)
- Zhang Yize*, Kubo Nobuaki, Chu Feng-Yu (2019) BDS signal-in-space range error (SISRE) assessment and bias correction. International Symposium on GNSS 2019, Jeju island, Korea. October 29~November 1. (Oral).
- Yang Ming, Huai-Chien Hsu, Chu Feng-Yu (2023). Taiwan online precise point positioning service (TOPS): Concept and initial results. The 28th General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG), Berlin, German. (Poster)
- Huai-Chien Hsu, Ming Yang, Feng-Yu Chu (2023) Enabling ambiguity resolution in Taiwan online precise point positioning service (TOPS): initial study. Asia Conference Remote Sensing (ACRS) 2023, Taipei, Taiwan (Oral)
- Chu Feng-Yu (2024). Six-system single-epoch RTK positioning with differential inter-system bias estimation in a severe GNSS-constrained observational condition. International Symposium on Remote Sensing (ISRS) 2024, Taichung, Taiwan. (Oral)
- 建立一個適用於台灣地區的GNSS精密導航方法(113-2121-M-006-020-),計畫主持人,國科會,執行期間 2024/08/01~2025/07/31。
- 113年度台灣時便參考框架先期作業委託研究採購案 (NLSC-113-29), 共同主持人,國土測繪中心,執行期間 2023/01/20~2024/11/30。
- 113年度多感測器與慣性導航關鍵系統應用研究案, 協同主持人,內政部地政司,執行期間 2024/08/01~2024/11/25。
- 112年度多感測器與慣性導航關鍵系統軟硬體設計整合開發工作案,協同主持人, 內政部地政司,執行期間 2023/02/23~2023/12/01。
- 多感測器與慣性導航關鍵系統軟硬體設計整合開發工作案(110-111),協同主持人, 內政部地政司,執行期間 2022/08/01~2022/11/30。
- 多感測器與慣性導航關鍵系統軟硬體設計整合開發工作案(110-111),協同主持人, 內政部地政司,執行期間 2021/08/01~2022/07/31。
- 使用CORS數據建立區域性電離層模型及應用於提升GNSS精密單點定位效能(112-2121-M-006-006-), 共同主持人,國科會,執行期間 2023/08/01~2024/07/31。
- 以週波未定值解算技術提升台灣線上精密單點定位服務(TOPS)定位精度之研究(111-2121-M-006-007-), 共同主持人,國科會,執行期間 2022/08/01~2023/07/31。
- 新世代台灣大地基準及三維框架之建置-結合北斗三號衛星系統之GNSS定位技術發展以及其定位效能分析(110-2221-E-006-222-MY3), 計畫主持人,國科會,執行期間 2021/08/01~2024/07/31。
- 110年度新世代GNSS定位技術應用委託研究, 共同主持人,國土測繪中心,執行期間 2021/02/01~2021/11/30。
- 利用GNSS監測建物結構: 牆上監測技術開發及分析(109-2121-M-004-001-), 計畫主持人,國科會,執行期間 2020/06/01~2021/10/31。