Email: | z10608024@email.ncku.edu.tw |
Email2: | peifenkuo@gmail.com |
電話: | 06-2757575 ext.63855 |
辦公室/研究室: | 55309E |
學歷: | 2007 – 2012 PhD, Civil Engineering, Texas A&M University 2001 – 2003 Master of Science, Transportation Engineering Division, National Taiwan University 1997 – 2001 Bachelor of Science, Civil Engineering, National Taiwan University |
經歷: | 2014/8 –2017/8 Assistant Professor, Crime Prevention and Corrections, Central Police University 2013/7 – 2014/7 Post-Doctoral Research Associate, Civil Engineering, University of Central Florida 2012/5 – 2013/6 Post-Doctoral Research Associate, Texas A&M Transportation Institute (TTI) |
專長: | Spatial Statistics and GIS Applications, Spatial Data Mining and Modeling, Safety and Risk Analysis, Spatial-Temporal Analysis, Trajectory Analysis |
授課項目: | Spatial Statistics, GIS Applications, Spatial-Temporal Analysis in Social Science |
個人網站: | https://researchoutput.ncku.edu.tw/zh/persons/pei-fen-kuo |
Dr. Pei-Fen Kuo is an Assistant Professor of the Department of Geomatics at the National Cheng Kung University in Taiwan. She is also a Committee Member of the Chinese Society of Criminology. Dr. Kuo received her Ph.D. degree in Civil Engineering from the University of Texas A&M in 2012. From 2013 to 2014, Dr. Kuo was a Post-Doctoral Research Associate at the Texas A&M Transportation Research Institute and University of Central Florida. She focused on the application of spatial statistics, GIS, and data mining to traffic safety, crime data and policing management. In the last three years, Dr. Kuo was the PI and Co-PI for more than 10 research projects in Taiwan. During her Ph.D, she has participated in several safety-related projects sponsored by the National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP), the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT), and the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT). Dr. Kuo has published 20 journal papers and presented 30 conference papers. Pei-Fen has a Master of Science degree and a Bachelor of Science degree, both in Civil Engineering, from National Taiwan University.
- Kuo, P.-F., D. Lord (2017). Estimating Safety Impact in Before-After Studies by the Adjusted Method. , 13(10), 915-931 . (SCI). 本人為第一作者、通訊作者.
- Wang, J. H., Abdel-Aty, M. A., Park, J., Lee, C., & Kuo, P. F. (2015). Estimating safety performance trends over time for treatments at intersections in Florida.. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 80, 37-47. (SSCI)..
- Fitzpatrick, Kay, Park, E.S., Kuo, P.-F., Robertson, J., Brewer, M. (2014). Double Left-Turn Lanes Operational Field Study. Transportation Research Record. (SCI).
- Kuo, P.-F., Shen, C.-W., Quadrifoglio, L. (2013). Modeling the Spatial Effects on Demand Estimation of ADA Paratransit Services. Transportation Research Record . (SCI). 本人為第一作者.
- Kuo, P.-F., Lord, D. (2013). Accounting for Site-Selection Bias in Before-After Studies for Continuous Distributions: Characteristics and Application Using Speed Data. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice , Vol. 49, pp. 256-269. . (SCI, 3/119, Transportation.). 本人為第一作者.
- Kuo, P.-F., Lord, D., Walden, T.D. (2013). Using Geographical Information Systems to Organize Police Patrol Routes Effectively by Grouping Hot Spots of Crash and Crime Data. Journal of Transport Geography , Vol. 30, pp. 138-148. . (SCI). 本人為第一作者、通訊作者.
- Lord, D., Kuo, P.-F. (2012). Examining the Effects of Site-Selection Criteria for Evaluating the Effectiveness of Traffic Safety Improvement Countermeasures.. Accident Analysis and Prevention , Vol. 47, pp. 52-63. (SSCI).
- Lord, D., Kuo, P.-F., Geedipally, S.R. (2009). Comparing the Application of the Product of Baseline Models and Accident Modification Factors and Models with Covariates: Predicted Mean Values and Variance.” . Transportation Research Record , 2147, pp. 113-122.. (SCI).
- 郭佩棻;周文生(2017年)。Uber對小客車運輸產業挑戰之初探。交通學報。本人為第一作者。
- 賴擁連、郭佩棻、林健陽、吳永杉、 陳超凡、溫敏男、張雲傑、黃家慶(2016)。受戒治人再犯毒品罪風險因子之分析與對策。警學叢刊 ,(46) 1-28 。
- 郭佩棻 (2016)。巨量資料處理與分析。刑事司法與犯罪學研究方法(ISBN:9789571186085)。台北:五南出版社。科技部:104-2410-H-015-006。104-2410-H-015-006。
- Kuo, P. F., Putra G.B., Ilmy, H. F., Chiu, C. S., Wu, C.Y., (2018). Defining the Effects of Traffic Violations on Crash Frequency by Applying Spatial Panel Model, 39th Asian Conference of Remote Sensing (ACRS), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
- Kuo, P. F., Putra G.B., Ilmy, H. F., Chiu, C. S., Wu, C.Y., (2018). Defining the Related Environmental Risk Factors for Motorcycle Theft Crimes, 39th Asian Conference of Remote Sensing (ACRS), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
- Kuo, P. F. , Hsu,T.G. (2017). Defining Prediction Variables for Theft Crimes by Applying Data Mining Techniques, . 22nd German Congress on Crime Prevention (GCOCP) 11th Annual International Forum (AIF), Hanover, Germany, Hanover, Germany. MOST 105-2410-H-015-008.
- Kuo, P. F., Hsu, S.C. (2017). The Spatial Temporal Analysis of Serial Sex Crimes, Crime and Justice in Asia and the Global South: An International Conference, Cairns, Australia. 本人為第一、通訊作者.
- Shen, C. W., Kuo, P. F., Yu, M.M. (2017). Applying Data Mining Techniques for Port Throughput Prediction. International Association of Maritime Economists (IAME), Kyoto, Japan. 本人為通訊作者.
- Lee, J, Abdel-Aty, M., Kuo, P.-F. (2016, Jun). Analyzing Hit-and-Run in Pedestrian-Vehicle Collisions. 14th World Conference on Transport Research, Shanghai, China.
- Kuo, P. F (2016). Implementation in Taiwan of the Data-Driven Approaches to Crime and Traffic Safety (DDACTS) Model. 15th World Conference on Transport Research, Shanghai, China. Lee, J., Choi, K., and Kuo, P.F. (2015). Comprehensive Data Analytics of Pedestrian Involved Hit-and-Run in Road Crashes.. the 25th World Road Congress, Seoul, Korea.
- Shen, C. W., and Kuo, P. F. (2015). Variable Selection of Travel Demand Models for Paratransit Service: A Data Mining Approach. 15th COTA International Conference of Transportation Professionals(EI), Beijing, China. (EI). 本人為通訊作者.
- Kuo, P.-F., Lee, J, Abdel-Aty, M. A. (2014, Nov). Comparing Hot Spot Identification Methods at Macroscopic Safety Analysis Level. Transportation Research Board 2015 Annual Meeting, DC, USA.
- Shen, C.-W., Kuo, P.-F. (2014, Nov). Building Travel Demand Models for Americans with Disabilities Act Paratransit System by Using Random Forest Method. TRB 94th annual meeting.
- Hawkins, H. G., Kuo, P.-F., Lord, D. (2013, Nov). Statistical Analysis of the Traffic Safety Impacts of On-Premise Digital Signs. Transportation Research Board 93rd Annual Meeting.
- Kuo, P.-F., Lord, D. (2013, Nov). Estimating Safety Impact in Before-After Studies by the Adjusted Method.. Transportation Research Board 94th Annual Meeting. 本人為第一作者、通訊作者.
- 郭佩棻、沈宗緯(2017年)。應用資料探勘技術於港口運量預測。中華民國運輸學會2017年年會暨學術論文國際研討會 ,台北。科技部:105-2410-H-015-008。本人為第一作者。
- 郭佩棻、周文生、闞迺璇、徐晨剛(2016年12月)。酒駕肇事與環境因子相關分析 -以飲酒店為例。2016運輸年會暨國際學術研討會,花蓮縣。本人為第一作者、通訊作者。
- 郭佩棻、周文生、徐晨剛、闞迺璇(2016年09月)。以資料探勘技術建構巨觀酒駕肇事預測模型。105年道路交通安全與執法研討會 ,桃園。本人為第一作者、通訊作者。
- 劉邦乾、陳憶君、郭佩棻(2016年04月)。臺灣海域執法空間分析 。犯罪防治學術研討會:犯罪與刑罰,桃園。
- 郭佩棻(2016年04月)。應用資料探勘技術於犯罪分析。犯罪防治學術研討會:罪與刑罰 ,桃園。科技部:104-2410-H-015-006。本人為第一作者、通訊作者。
- 陳聲華 、郭佩棻 、許春金(2016年04月)。監視器調閱模式與路徑空間分析 。犯罪防治學術研討會,桃園。本人為通訊作者。
- 彭福康、闞迺璇、郭佩棻 (2015年)。評估犯罪與肇事資料導向執法(DDACTS)在台推行之成效研究。104 年道路交通安全與執法研討會。科技部:104-2410-H-015-001。
- 彭福康、郭佩棻(2015年)。監視錄影系統與竊盜犯罪率變化之研究。2015犯罪防治學術研討會。
- 陳憶君、郭佩棻、洪文玲(2015年)。車禍被害人特性研究-應用被害者學與巨量分析。104 年運輸年會學術論文研討會。本人為通訊作者。
- Abdel-Aty, M. A.,Kuo, P.-F., Lee, J, Shafeek, S. (2014, Mar). Two Level Approach to Safety Planning Incorporating the Highway Safety Manual (HSM) Network Screening.
- Hawkins, H. G., Kuo, P.-F., Lord, D. (2012, Dec). Statistical Analysis of the Relationship between On-Premise Digital Signage and Traffic Safety. TTI Technical Report,. College Station, TX..
- Eisele, W., Yager, C., Brewer, M., Frawley, W. E., Park, E. S., Lord, D., Robertson, J. A., Kuo, P.-F. (2010). Safety and Economic Impacts of Converting Two-Way Frontage Roads to One-Way: Methodology and Findings. TTI: Technical Report 0-5856-1. .