Ming Yang
Phone:886-6-2370876 # 820
Office Room:55306
Education:1989~1995, M.S. and Ph.D., The Ohio State University, USA
1983~1987, B.S., National Cheng Kung University (NCKU), Taiwan ROC
Experience:2023/6~present, President, Chinese Society of Cadastral Survey
2018/8~2022/1, President, Geodetic Society of the ROC
2008/8~2014/7, Chairman, Department of Geomatics, NCKU
2003/8~present, Professor, Department of Geomatics, NCKU
2000/9~2001/1, Visiting Scholar, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, UC San Diego, USA
1995/8~2003/7, Associate Professor, Department of Surveying Engineering, NCKU

2023 Excellent Mentors Award, NCKU
2023 Teaching Excellence Award, NCKU
2022/1~present, Executive Supervisor, Geodetic Society of the ROC
2020, 2018, 2016, 2012, 2010, Outstanding Paper Awards, Taiwan Journal of Geoinformatics, Chinese Society of Cadastral Survey
2019, Best Paper Award, Journal of Aeronautics, Astronautics and Aviation, Aeronautical and Astronautical Society of the ROC
2018, The 23rd Land Administration Contribution Award, Ministry of the Interior, ROC
2016, General Chair, International Symposium on GNSS 2016 (ISGNSS 2016), December 5-7, Tainan, Taiwan
2016/1~present, National Delegate of Chinese Taipei, International Association of Geodesy (IAG)
2016/1~present, Executive Member, National Committee of Chinese Taipei, International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG)
2016/6~present, Member, Board of Directors, Taiwan Geographic Information Society
2015/6~2022/1, Member, Board of Directors, Geodetic Society of the ROC
2015~2017, Member, Review Committee, Civil Engineering Discipline, Department of Engineering and Technologies, Ministry of Science and Technology
2015, The 16th Cadastral Survey Medal, Chinese Society of Cadastral Survey
2013~2015, Member, Advisory Committee, Geospatial Technology Discipline, Department of Natural Sciences and Sustainable Development, Ministry of Science and Technology
2011/6~present, Member, Board of Directors, Chinese Society of Cadastral Survey
2011/6~2019/6, Chair, Journal Editorial Committee, Chinese Society of Cadastral Survey
2010, Program Chair, International Symposium on GPS/GNSS 2010, Oct. 25-28, Taipei, Taiwan
2009~2011, Member, Review Committee, Civil Engineering Discipline, Department of Engineering and Technologies, National Science Council
2009~2010, Member, Review Committee, Professional Examinations for Construction Engineers, Ministry of Examination
2008~2015, Member, National Committee of Chinese Taipei, International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG)
2007, Vice President, International Association of Chinese Professionals in Global Positioning Systems (CPGPS)
2005, Member, National Geodetic Control Initiative Committee, Ministry of the Interior
2004, 2003, 2000, 1999, 1998, Outstanding Paper Awards, Chinese Journal of Surveying Engineering, Chinese Society of Surveying Engineering
2002, Outstanding Research Award, College of Engineering, NCKU
1995, Heiskanen Junior Award, Department of Geodetic Science and Surveying, The Ohio State University, USA
Expertise:Positioning and Navigation Technology
Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS)
Geospatial Technology
Teaching Project:Satellite Positioning
Satellite Geodesy
Geodesy and Satellite Surveying Practice

Refereed Papers (* indicates Corresponding Author)

Yang, M., H.-C. Hsu, and F.-Y. Chu*, 2024, Taiwan online precise point positioning service (TOPS): methodology and test results, Journal of Surveying Engineering-ASCE, 150(3): 04024007, https://doi.org/10.1061/JSUED2.SUENG-1487. (EI, SCI) 
Cheng, Y.-P., S.-C. Cheng, M. Yang, J.-M. Lin, and Y.-M. Huang*, 2023, Applying computational thinking and formative assessment to enhance the learning performance of students in virtual programming language, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 14099, 130–139, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-40113-8_13. (EI)
Hwang, C.*, H.-J. Hsu, W. Featherstone, C.-C. Cheng, M. Yang, W. Huang, C.-Y. Wang, J.-F. Huang, K.-H. Chen, C.-H. Huang, H. Chen, and W.-Y. Su, 2020, New gravimetric and hybrid geoid model of Taiwan for height modernization, cross-island datum connection and airborne LiDAR mapping, Journal of Geodesy, 94(9), 83, DOI: 10.1007/s00190-020-01412-5. (SCI)
Chu, F. Y., M. Yang*, and Y. T. Chen, 2019, GEO-pivoted carrier ambiguity resolution: a method for instantaneous ambiguity resolution in mid-low-latitude regions, GPS Solutions, 23(4), 107, DOI: 10.1007/s10291-019-0884-5. (SCI)
Yang, M., F. Y. Chu*, and C. Y. Lin, 2018, GNSS ambiguity resolution in precise kinematic positioning: benefits of satellite availability and sampling rate, Journal of Aeronautics Astronautics and Aviation, 50(2), 187-204, doi:10.6125/JoAAA.201806_50(2).07. (EI, ESCI)
Chu, F. Y. and M. Yang*, 2018, BeiDou System (BDS) triple-frequency ambiguity resolution without code measurements, Remote Sensing, 10(5), 675, DOI: 10.3390/rs10050675. (SCI) 
Chu, F. Y., M. Yang*, and Y. T. Chen, 2017, Improving single-epoch RTK positioning under higher ionospheric influences using GNSS measurements, Journal of Aeronautics, Astronautics and Aviation, 49(2), 101-110, DOI: 10.6215/17-0110-922. (EI, ESCI)
Chu, F. Y., M. Yang*, and J. Wu, 2016, A new approach to modernized GPS phase-only ambiguity resolution over long baselines, Journal of Geodesy, 90(3), 241-254, DOI: 10.1007/s00190-015-0869-2. (SCI) 
Wu, J.*, M. Yang, L.-C. Tsai, and K.-H. Chen, 2015, On the feasibility of ionosphere-modeled satellite positioning by a hierarchical ambiguity function methodology, Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, 38(8), 1002-1009, DOI: 10.1080/02533839.2015.1056556. (SCI, EI) 
Yang, M.*, K.-E. Ching, C. Chang-Lee, Y.-S. Chen, and S.-C. Cheng, 2015, Monitoring and predicting the behavior of the Lungchuan and Chishan faults with GNSS, Proc. ION 2015 Pacific PNT Meeting, pp. 536-541. (EI, CPCI-S) 
Chu, F. Y. and M. Yang*, 2014, GPS/Galileo long baseline computation: method and performance analyses, GPS Solutions, 18(2), 263-272, DOI: 10.1007/s10291-013-0327-7. (SCI) 
Chu, F. Y., M. Yang*, and J. Wu, 2014, Triple-frequency GPS ambiguity resolution for post-processed medium-range baseline determination: a phase-only method, Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, 37(3), 279-287, DOI: 10.1080/02533839.2013.799928. (SCI, EI) 
Wu, J.*, Y.-Z. Chen, and M. Yang, 2013, Epoch-by-epoch GPS ambiguity processing for local network-based positioning, Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, DOI: 10.1080/02533839.2013.839420. (SCI, EI) 
Chu, F. Y.* and M. Yang, 2011, A Triple-frequency Phase-only Algorithm for Modernized GPS Kinematic Positioning, Proc. ION GNSS 2011, pp. 2280-2286. (EI, CPCI-S) 
Ching, K. E.*, M. L. Hsieh, K. M. Johnson, K. H. Chen, R. J. Rau, and M. Yang, 2011, Modern vertical deformation in Taiwan: Precise leveling measurements and continuous GPS observations, 2000‐2008, Journal of Geophysical Research-Solid Earth, 116, B08406, DOI: 10.1029/2011JB008242. (SCI) 
Chen, K. H.*, M. Yang, Y. T. Huang, K. E. Ching and R. J. Rau, 2011, Vertical Displacement Rate Field of Taiwan from Geodetic Levelling Data 2000-2008, Survey Review, 43(321), pp. 296-302. (SCI) 
Shum, C.K., K.-H. Tseng, C. Kuo*, K.-C. K. Cheng, C. Dai, J. Duan, Z. Huang, H. Lee, S. Song, M. Yang, and W. Zhu, 2011, Validation of GNSS-Observed Climate Variables Over Tibetan Plateau, Journal of Aeronautics Astronautics Aviation-Series A, 43(1), pp. 9-16. (EI) 
Chen, H. C.*, Y. S. Huang, K. W. Chiang, M. Yang, and R. J. Rau, 2009, The performance comparison between GPS and BeiDou-2/Compass: a perspective from Asia, Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, 32(5), pp. 679-689. (SCI, EI) 
Peng, W.-C.*, Y.-H. Lee, K.-W. Chiang, and M. Yang, 2008, The study of typhoon path in Taiwan region using Precise Point Positioning technique, Proc. ION GNSS 2008, pp. 244-252. (EI, CPCI-S) 
Tsai, M. L., K. W. Chiang*, M. Yang and H. C. Chen, 2008, The accuracy and reliability analysis for future GNSS in Taiwan region, Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 13(1), pp. 57-64. 
Huang, Y.-S., Y.-W. Huang, K.-W. Chiang and M. Yang, 2007, Performance analysis of GPS augmentation using future Taiwanese SBAS, Proc. ION GNSS 2007, pp. 960-965. (EI, CPCI-S) 
Hwang, C.*, Y.-S. Hsiao, H.-C. Shih, M. Yang, K.-H. Chen, R. Forsberg, and A. V. Olesen, 2007, Geodetic and geophysical results from a Taiwan airborne gravity survey: data reduction and accuracy assessment, Journal of Geophysical Research-Solid Earth, 112, B04407, DOI: 10.1029/2005JB004220. (SCI) 
Yang, M.*, 2005, A noniterative method of solving the GPS double-differenced pseudorange equations, Journal of Surveying Engineering-ASCE, 131(4), pp. 130-134. (SCI, EI) 
Yang, M.*, K. H. Chen, and S. W. Shiao, 2003, A new height reference network in Taiwan, Survey Review, 37(290), pp. 260-268. (SCI) 
Yang, M.* and K. H. Chen, 2001, Performance assessment of a noniterative algorithm for Global Positioning System (GPS) absolute positioning, Proc. National Science Council ROC(A), 25(2), pp. 102-106. (EI) 
Shih, T. Y.*, H. Y. Shih, and M. Yang, 2001, The performance of GPS standard positioning service without selective availability, Survey Review, 36(281), pp. 192-201. (SCI) 
Yang, M.*, C. L. Tseng, and J. Y. Yu, 2001, Establishment and maintenance of Taiwan geodetic datum 1997, Journal of Surveying Engineering-ASCE, 127(4), pp. 119-132. (SCI, EI) 
Yang, M.* and C. F. Lo, 2000, Real-time kinematic GPS positioning for centimeter level ocean surface monitoring, Proc. National Science Council ROC(A), 24(1), pp. 79-85. (EI) 
Yang, M.*, R. J. Rau, J. Y. Yu, and T. T. Yu, 2000, Geodetically observed surface displacements of the 1999 Chi-Chi, Taiwan, earthquake, Earth Planets and Space, 52(6), pp. 403-413. (SCI) 
Chao, B. F.*, E. C. Pavlis, C. Hwang, C. C. Liu, C. K. Shum, C. L. Tseng, and M. Yang, 2000, COSMIC: improving Earth s gravity model and other geodetic applications, Terrestrial Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, 11(1), pp. 365-378. (SCI) 
Yang, M.*, C. H. Tang, and T. T. Yu, 2000, Development and assessment of a medium-range real-time kinematic GPS algorithm using an ionospheric information filter, Earth Planets and Space, 52(10), pp. 783-788. (SCI) 
Goad, C. C.* and M. Yang, 1997, A new approach to precision airborne GPS positioning for photogrammetry, Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing, 63(9), pp. 1067-1077. (SCI, EI) 
Goad, C. C.*, D. A. Grejner-Brzezinska, and M. Yang, 1996, Determination of high-precision GPS orbits using triple differencing technique, Journal of Geodesy, 70(11), pp. 655-662. (SCI) 
Yang, M.*, C. C. Goad, and B. Schaffrin, 1994, Real-time on-the-fly ambiguity resolution over short baselines in the presence of anti-spoofing, Proc. ION 7th NTM, pp. 519-525. (EI, CPCI-S) 
儲豐宥、楊名*、李皇緣,2022,利用全球電離層網格縮短GPS精密單點定位之收斂時間,台灣土地研究,第25卷,第2期,第69-88頁,doi:10.6677/JTLR.202211_25(2).0001. (TSSCI)
周逸屏、陳國華*、景國恩、楊名、陳鶴欽,2020,臺灣衛星連續站坐標時間序列分析與平面坐標基準適用期之探討,台灣土地研究,第23卷,第1期,第83-101頁,doi:10.6677/JTLR.202005_23(1).0003. (TSSCI)
陳志嘉、楊名*,2011,以精密單點定位技術估計GPS 追蹤站之絕對位移速度,航測及遙測學刊,第16卷,第2期,第115-126頁。
陳彥杕、陳國華、楊名,2008,應用水氣輻射天頂延遲觀測量於GPS 相對定位之研究,地籍測量,第27卷,第3期,第23-45頁。

Books and Chapters

Cheng, Y.-P., S.-C. Cheng, M. Yang, J.-M. Lin and Y.-M. Huang, 2023, Applying computational thinking and formative assessment to enhance the learning performance of students in virtual programming language, In: ICITL 2023, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 14099, pp. 130–139, Y.-M. Huang and T. Rocha (Eds.), Springer.
Yu, T. T., M. Yang, and C. S. Chen, 2005, Automatic feature extraction and stereo image processing with generic algorithm for LiDAR data, In: Computer Graphics Imaging and Visualization New Trends, pp. 307-309, M. Sarfraz, Y. Wang, and E. Banissi (Eds.), IEEE Computer Society, USA.
Yang, M., C. H. Tang, and T. T. Yu, 2000, Development and assessment of a medium-range real-time kinematic GPS algorithm using an ionospheric information filter, In: Application of GPS and other space geodetic techniques to earth sciences, pp. 783-788, K. Heki, T. Kato, C. Rizos, P. Xu, K. Hirahara, E. Ivins, A. Saito, T. Tsuda (Eds.), Terra Sci. Pub. Co., Japan.
Chao, B. F., E. Pavlis, C. Hwang, C. C. Liu, C. K. Shum, C. L. Tseng, and M. Yang, 2000, COSMIC: improving Earth’s gravity model and other geodetic applications, In: Application of constellation observing system for meteorology, ionosphere and climate, pp. 365-378, L. C. Lou, C. Rocken, and R. Kursinski (Eds.), Springer.
Pavlis, E. C., B. F. Chao, C. Hwang, C. C. Liu, C. K. Shum, C. L. Tseng, and M. Yang, 2000, Global geodetic applications of the ROCSAT-3/COSMIC mission, In: Towards an integrated global geodetic observing system (IGGOS), pp. 214-217, R. Rummel, H. Drewes, W. Bosch and H. Hornik (Eds.), Springer.
Yang, M., 1995, New GPS measurement modeling techniques of orbit determination and precise kinematic positioning, OSU Rep. 431, Department of Geodetic Science and Surveying, The Ohio State University, USA, 150 pp.