Yi-Hsing Tseng
電話:06-2757575 ext.63835
學歷:1980/8~1982/6 National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan, Master degree
1987/1~1992/8 The Ohio State University, department of civil, environmental and geodetcs, USA, Ph.D.
1984/8~1986/8 National Cheng Kung University, department of Geomatics, Taiwan, research assistant.
1987/1~1992/8 The Ohio State University, Byrd polar research center, USA, research assistant.
1992/8~2003/7 National Cheng Kung University, department of Geomatics, Taiwan, associate professor.
2003/8~now National Cheng Kung University, department of Geomatics, Taiwan, professor
1976/8~1980/6 National Cheng Kung University, department of civil, Taiwan, bachelor degree.

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