1. 申請表 (下載)
2. 簡歷(含著作清單)
3. 博士學位證書(國外學歷須完成外館認證)
4. 成績單(國外學歷須完成外館認證)
5. 博士論文
6. 研究所成績單(須提供五等第成績轉換對照表)
7. 發表學術論文
8. 可開設課程之授課大綱
台南市東區大學路一號 國立成功大學
測量及空間資訊學系 江凱偉主任收
Email: kwchiang@mail.ncku.edu.tw
截止期限:民國106年3月31 日
Faculty Position Open in the Department of Geomatics, NCKU
The Department of Geomatics at National Cheng Kung University (http://www.ncku.edu.tw/) invites applications for one tenure-track position on all levels, effective August 1, 2017. Candidate must possess a Ph.D. degree in related fields of geospatial information science and technology and specialize in the integration of geospatial science and information engineering, such as WebGIS, big data, semantics/ontology, sensor web, Internet of Things and smart city. Candidates with overseas research experiences are preferred. Duties include dedicated and effective teaching of Geomatics-related courses (using Mandarin or English) at the undergraduate and graduate levels and commitment to research. Candidates are invited to email the following materials (in PDF format).
2. Curriculum vitae (including publication list)
3. Proof of Ph.D. diploma (Foreign diplomas should be verified by missions, R.O.C embassies, consulates abroad or by other notary institutes authorized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, R.O.C.)
4. Ph.D. dissertation
5. Transcripts of graduate program (GPA conversion is required)
6. published journal papers
7. Teaching proposals
8. 3 recommendation letters (sent by referees)
Prof. Kai-Wei Chiang,
All materials should be received by deadline in order to receive full consideration. Deadline for applications: March 31, 2017.