110學年度新生 您好:
Dear New Students in 2021 Academic Year:
因今年疫情影響,新生體檢時程已延後於10/1開始陸續開放線上預約,請第一批次(工學院、生科學院及敏求學院)尚未進行線上預約的碩博班新生盡快上去預約登記喔! (第一批次自10/18開始進行體檢,線上預約期限至10/27截止,切勿錯過!)
The freshman physical examination has been postponed due to COVID-19 this year and students can start to make an appointment of it from Oct.1th, 2021. If you’re the new students of college of Engineering, Bioscience & Biotechnology or Miin Wu School of Computing, don’t forget to book the date of physical examination online! (Read more)
Those who complete the physical examination at National Cheng Kung University Hospital during the discount period may have a discounted price of NT 850, and are not required to submit the report to Health Center in person. Please seize the opportunity. The opening date for registration depends on your college or department. Please check the websites of NCKU Health Center for the details.
If you did not complete freshman physical examination at NCKU Hospital during the discount period, the cost will be NT1200, and you have to deliver the physical examination reports to NCKU Health Center yourself. Due to the time-consuming process, students are suggested to register the date for physical examination online during the discount period.
If the date for physical examination coincides with the class schedule, new students may apply for official leave to conduct the physical examination. It would have no impact on class attendance and grade. For more information: https://assistance-osa.ncku.edu.tw/p/406-1051-227175,r91.php?Lang=zh-tw
If you are an overseas student, physical examination information is also available on the website of『Health Center - Physical Examination of Freshman』. Considering varied entry time into Taiwan and the need for visa changes, please visit the website for details.
All new students must complete the freshman physical examination before the end of the end of 2021 academic year's fall semester based on the regulation in NCKU.
Please visit the website of ” Health Center-Physical Examination of Freshman” for details.
(1)(本籍生Local students)-(含優惠日程)
(2)(僑陸生 Overseas and mainland Chinese students)-(含優惠日程)
The NCKU Health Center