


Chi-Kuei Wang 王驥魁


Academic Career

National Cheng Kung University, Dept. of Geomatics,


National Cheng Kung University, Dept. of Geomatics,
Associate Professor,


National Cheng Kung University, Dept. of Geomatics,
Assistant Professor,


University of Mississippi,
Associate Researcher,



Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Cornell University,


Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Cornell University,


Dept. of Agricultural Engineering, National Taiwan University,



Research Interest

Remote Sensing, Airborne Laser Scanner, Terrestrial Laser Scanner,Bathymetric Lidar, Ocean Color, Spatial Statistics




Address: No. 1, University Road, Tainan, Taiwan

Email: chikuei@mail.ncku.edu.tw

Tel: +886-6-2757575 ext. 63825




NO. Project Period Funding Function
1. Development of a drainage structure extraction algorithm from ALS point cloud data using road center line dataset(1/2) 研發基於道路中心向量資料之自動化萃取空載光達點雲資料內排水設施之方法(1/2) 2019/08/01 - 2020/07/31 MOST PI
2. Automatic Image Recognition with Agricultural Subjects - A Case of Fruit Export Industry(2/3) 自動化影像辨識於農業標的物之研究-以外銷果品產業為例-自動化影像辨識於農業標的物之研究-以外銷果品產業為例(2/3) 2019/07/01 - 2020/06/30 MOST Co-PI
3. Investigating the Relation Between ALS and TLS Derived Gap Fraction Map by Simulated Forests 以數值模擬方式探討空載光達與地面光達產製森林孔隙分佈圖之相關性 2018/08/01 - 2019/07/31 MOST PI
4. Automatic Image Recognition with Agricultural Subjects - A Case of Fruit Export Industry(1/3) 自動化影像辨識於農業標的物之研究-以外銷果品產業為例-自動化影像辨識於農業標的物之研究-以外銷果品產業為例(1/3) 2018/07/01 - 2019/07/31 MOST Co-PI
5. Investigation of the estimate variation of forest gap fraction through the simulated terrestrial laser scanning data 以模擬地面光達資料探討森林孔隙率推估值之變異特性 2017/08/01 - 2018/07/31 MOST PI
6. Development of muti-mirror setup to improve the efficiency of multiple terrestrial laser scanning 研發以多面鏡設置改良地面光達多測站掃瞄方式 2016/08/01 - 2017/07/31 MOST PI
7. Understanding ALS Intensity by Considering BRDF and Laser Repetition Rate 探討地物BRDF與雷射發射頻率對於空載光達反射強度值之影響 2015/08/01 - 2016/07/31 MOST PI
8. Assessing and Correcting Leaf Area Index under Various Scanning Parameters of the Airborne Laser Scanner 探討空載光達掃瞄參數對於葉面積指數資料獲取之影響與校正 2014/08/01 - 2015/09/30 MOST PI
9. Development of Remote Sensing Inversion for the Extraction of Gravel Bed Roughness and Instream Surface Flow Type Classification 研發遙測技術獲取礫石河床粗糙度與河川表面流態分類 2013/08/01 - 2014/07/31 MOST PI
10. Development of through Water Photogrammetry of Multiple Images for Disaster Mitigation(3/3) 多影像匹配之透水攝影測量技術於災害防救之研發(3/3) 2012/08/01 - 2013/07/31 MOST PI
11. Remote Sensing Technology Development for Regional Riverine Habitat Mapping and Land Cover Change Detection(3/3) 區域性河川棲地與地表變化偵測技術研發(3/3) 2012/08/01 - 2013/07/31 MOST PI
12. Development of through Water Photogrammetry of Multiple Images for Disaster Mitigation(2/3) 多影像匹配之透水攝影測量技術於災害防救之研發(2/3) 2011/08/01 - 2012/07/31 MOST PI
13. Remote Sensing Technology Development for Regional Riverine Habitat Mapping and Land Cover Change Detection(2/3) 區域性河川棲地與地表變化偵測技術研發(2/3) 2011/08/01 - 2012/07/31 MOST PI
14. Development of through Water Photogrammetry of Multiple Images for Disaster Mitigation(1/3) 多影像匹配之透水攝影測量技術於災害防救之研發(1/3) 2011/03/01 - 2011/07/31 MOST PI
15. Remote Sensing Technology Development for Regional Riverine Habitat Mapping and Land Cover Change Detection(1/3) 區域性河川棲地與地表變化偵測技術研發(1/3) 2010/08/01 - 2011/07/31 MOST PI
16. Assessment of the Effectiveness of Spring Pits on Restoration of Urban River Ecosystem: Studies on Potential Ecological Benefit of Removing Streambed Pavement 湧泉坑對於都市型河川生態復育成效評估:拆除河床封底之生態效益先期研究 2009/08/01 - 2012/07/31 MOST Co-PI
17. The Development of Riverine Remote Sensing Techniques 河川遙測監測技術研發 2007/08/01 - 2010/07/31 MOST PI
18. Ocean Bottom Albedo Retrieval from Hyperspectral Data 利用高光譜資料推求海洋水底物質反射率 2006/09/01 - 2007/07/31 MOST PI
19. 高雄地區農地建物數化eCognition航照判識模組教學 2018/11/28 - 2018/12/20 行政院農業委員會農業試驗所 PI
20. 山坡地三維資訊監測工作 2018/07/13 - 2018/12/10 行政院農業委員會農業試驗所 PI
21. 農業數位化發展 (eConigtion農地清查方法教育訓練) 2018/09/05 - 2018/10/30 行政院農業委員會農業試驗所 PI
22. 設施常見害蟲自動化影像量化系統 2017/09/27 - 2017/12/10 行政院農業委員會農業試驗所 PI
23. 建置影像知識庫資訊管理系統-外銷蘭園昆蟲辨識技術(106年度第2期) 2017/03/23 - 2017/12/15 行政院農業委員會農業試驗所 PI
24. 建置影像知識庫資訊管理系統-外銷蘭園昆蟲辨識技術(105年度第1期) 2016/09/02 - 2016/12/10 行政院農業委員會農業試驗所 PI
25. 108及109年度LiDAR技術更新數值地形模型成果檢核與監審工作案 2019/01/17 - 2020/12/15 內政部國土測繪中心 PI
26. 107年度LiDAR技術更新數值地形模型成果檢核與監審工作案 2018/03/16 - 2019/04/29 內政部地政司 PI
27. LiDAR技術更新數值地形模型成果檢核與監審工作案(105-106) 2016/04/26 - 2017/10/30 內政部地政司 PI
28. 非莫拉克災區與特定事件(颱風豪雨或地震等事件)後LiDAR 高解析度數值地形製作之檢核與監審(3/3) 2016/04/26 - 2017/10/30 CGS PI
29. 非莫拉克災區與特定事件(颱風豪雨或地震等事件)後LiDAR 高解析度數值地形製作之檢核與監審(2/3) 2014/02/11 - 2014/12/31 CGS PI
30. 非莫拉克災區與特定事件(颱風豪雨或地震等事件)後LiDAR 高解析度數值地形製作之檢核與監審(1/3) 2013/02/26 - 2013/12/31 CGS PI
31. 莫拉克災區LiDAR高解析度數值地形製作之檢核與監審(3/3) 2012/03 - 2013/04 CGS Co-PI
32. 莫拉克災區LiDAR高解析度數值地形製作之檢核與監審(2/3) 2011/06/02 - 2011/12/31 CGS Co-PI
33. 莫拉克災區LiDAR高解析度數值地形製作之檢核與監審(1/3) 2010/07/23 - 2010/12/31 CGS Co-PI
34. 103年度發展高光譜與光達技術結合之應用工作 2014/04/08 - 2014/11/30 內政部地政司 PI
35. 102年度發展高光譜與光達技術結合之應用工作案 2013/02/19 - 2014/01/18 內政部地政司 PI
36. 101 年度發展高光譜與光達技術結合之應用工作案 2012/3/1 - 2012/12/30 內政部地政司 PI
37. 100年度發展先進空載光達科技與應用工作案 2011/05/04 - 2012/03/04 內政部地政司 co-PI
38. 應用透水光達技術於近岸海域測繪工作 2006/12/05 - 2008/10/05 中興測量 PI


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Caption Eighteen
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Caption Nineteen

Journal Paper 2019/04/29
Conference Papers 2019/04/29


Lunch Lab Gathering Fall Semester 2020


Location: Double cheese 成大店, Tainan
Date: 2021.01.08



Location: 農委會
Date: 2019.12.30

Gift Exchange 2019


Location: ARSEM Lab
Date: 2019.12.27

Lunch Lab Gathering Fall Semester 2019


Location: 咖哩 台南成大店, Tainan
Date: 2019.12.24



Location: 台北世貿一館
Date: 2019.12.05 ~ 2019.12.08



Location: NCKU國際會議廳
Date: 2019.12.01

ER3DS 2019


Location: Tainan, Taichung and Kaohsiung, Taiwan
Date: 2019.09.16 ~ 2019.09.20

The 38th Conference on Surveying and Geomatics


Location: National Defense University, Taoyuan
Date: 2019.08.29 ~ 2019.08.30

ISRS 2019


Location: Howard Civil Service International House, Taipei
Date: 2019.04.17 ~ 2019.04.19

IOCS 2019


Location: Busan, South Korea
Date: 2019.04.09 ~ 2019.04.12

ER3DS 2019


Location: Heidelberg University, Germany
Date: 2019.03.26

地點:國立中興大學土木環工大樓 B1 第一會議室 -
Nurahida Laili


Location: Dept. of Civil Engineering, NCKU, Taichung
Date: 2019.01.19

Lunch Lab Gathering Fall 2018


Location: Prof. Wang's House
Date: 2019.01.15

Oral Defense PhD Student -
Chung-Cheng Lee


Location: Department of Geomatics, NCKU
Date: 2018.09.20

The 37th Conference on Surveying and Geoinformatics


Location: National Central University, Taiwan
Date: 2018.09.04 ~ 2018.09.05



Date: 2018.07.30

Oral Defense Master Student -
Nurahida Laili


Location: Department of Geomatics, NCKU
Date: 2018.07.03

Lunch Lab Gathering Spring Semester 2018


Location: EZ.KON Restaurant, Tainan, Taiwan
Date: 2018.06.27

Lab Renovation Ceremonial Party



Location: ARSEM Lab

Date: 2018.06.15

Chung-Cheng Lee and Chih-Chiao Lin Birthday



Location: ARSEM Lab

Date: 2018.06.05

Graduation Ceremony 2018



Location: Department of Geomatics, NCKU

Date: 2018.06.02

Bowling Team Competition



Date: 2018.05.18

Lab Reconstruction



Location: ARSEM Lab

Date: 2018.03.08 ~ 2018.03.20

Nura and Ching-Hsiang Lin Birthday



Location: ARSEM Lab

Date: March, 2018

Chung Hsing Surveying (CHS) Visit



Location: CHS Company, Taichung, Taiwan

Date: 2018.01.24

Prof. Wang and Kuei-Chia Chen Birthday



Location: ARSEM Lab

Date: 2018.01.11

Gifts Exchange 2018



Location: ARSEM Lab

Date: 2018.01.02

Lunch Lab Gathering Fall Semester 2017



Location: Greeness Hot Pot, Tainan, Taiwan

Date: 2017.11.28

ACRS 2017



Location: New Delhi, India

Date: 2017.10.23 ~ 2017.10.27

PhD Exchange to Heidelberg University 2017



Location: Heidelberg University, Germany

Date: July, 2017

3D-TAIGER in Germany 2017



Location: Heidelberg University, Germany

Date: July, 2017

Graduation Ceremony 2017



Location: Department of Geomatics, NCKU

Date: 2017.06.03

3D-TAIGER in Taiwan 2017



Location: Department of Geomatics, NCKU

Date: April, 2017

3D-TAIGER in Germany 2016



Location: Heidelberg University, Germany

Date: September, 2016

3D-TAIGER in Taiwan 2016



Location: Department of Geomatics, NCKU

Date: April, 2016

ISPRS Congress 2016



Location: Prague, Czech

Date: 2016.07.12 ~ 2016.07.19

Tectonics, Geomatics and Engineering



Location: Mapua Institute of Technology, Manila, Philippines

Date: 2016.07.07

TGIS 2016



Location: Chia Nan University of Pharmacy Science

Date: 2016.06.27 ~ 2016.06.28

3D-TAIGER in Taiwan



Multi-Source 3D Geoinformation for Improved Managemen of Forest
and Natural Hazards - Collaboration between TAIwan and GERmany

Location: Department of Geomatics, NCKU

Date: 2016.04.06 ~ 2016.04.08

Gifts Exchange 2015




Field Work

Mangrove Laser Scanning

Terrestrial Laser Scanner to do tree segmentation


Location: Waziwei Nature Reserve, Bali District, New Taipei City, Taiwan


3D Modeling of Bent Mailbox in Taipei

Combine terrestrial laser scanner and close-range photogrammetry to construct the mailbox 3D model


Location: Longjiang Rd., Taipei, Taiwan
