Email: | rjyou@mail.ncku.edu.tw |
電話: | 06-2757575 ext.63821 |
傳真: | 06-2375764 |
辦公室/研究室: | 55841 |
學歷: | Dr.-Ing., Stuttgart University, Germany |
經歷: | 1995 Germany Stuart University-Institute of Geodesy, Doctor of Engineering 1995-2012 Associate Professor, Department of Surveying and Spatial Information, National Cheng Kung University 1986-1988 National Cheng Kung University-Department of Surveying Engineering-Teaching Assistant 1995-1999 International Association of Geodesy (IAG) Fourth Sector First Committee No. 5th sub-Committee Chairman 1998-2005 Member of the National Basic Control Survey Promotion Subcommittee of the Ministry of the Interior 2000-2011 Member of the Republic of China, International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics Committee members 2010-2011 Member of the 3rd Sub-committee of the Technician Examination Improvement Promotion Committee of the Examination and Selection Department 2011-2012 Member of the Construction Engineering Technician Examination Review Committee of the Ministry of Examination and Selection 2017- Member of the Construction Engineering Technician Examination Review Committee of the Examination and Selection Department Membership 1. International Association of Geodesy(IAG), Section VI, Invited member (1999-2003) 2. Member of IUGG National Committee, Taiwan (since 2000-2011) 3. Member of Chinese Society of Engineering Surveying (since 1997-) 4. Honorary Member of Phi Tau Phi Scholastic Honor Society of the Republic of China (since 1982-) Awards 1. Research Award, National Science Council, Taiwan (1986) 2. DAAD Scholarship holder (1988-1994) 3. Research Awards, National Science Council Taipei, Taiwan (1997,1998, 1999) 4. Project Director Research Grants, National Science Council (NSC) Taipei, Taiwan (2002--2003, 2005--2012) 5. Best paper Awards, Journal of Chinese Society of Engineering Surveying (1997, 2003) 6. IBC 2000 Outstanding Intellectuals of the 21st Century (2008) 7. 2009 Best Teaching Award, National Cheng Kung University. 8. Marquis Who's Who in the world (2009) 9. Best Talent Awards in teaching and research, National Cheng Kung University (2011-2013) 10. DAAD Scholarship holder for research stays for University academics and scientists (2011) 11. DAAD Scholarship holder for research stays for University academics and scientists (2013) 12. DAAD Scholarship holder for research stays for University academics and scientists (2015) |
專長: | Geomatics Engineering, Geodesy, Satellite Geodesy, Lidar, physical geodesy, mathematical geodesy T Quality analysis of Geomatical and Geospatial data |
授課項目: | Nowadays: Surveying, Engineering Statistics, Error Theory Previously: Geodesy, physical geodesy, survey coordinate system, advanced satellite geodesy, statistical adjustment, engineering mathematics |
個人網站: | https://researchoutput.ncku.edu.tw/zh/persons/rey-jer-you |
Books, software, master and doctoral dissertations
You, R.J. (1985-): Collocation Coordinate Conversion Software (Software)
You, R.J. (2005-): GPS-Heighting Software (Software)
You, R.J. (2019): Fundamentals of Least Squares Adjustment. ISBN 9789863630777, Canghai Bookstore, Taichung. 2021.06 Errata
You, R.J. (2019): Advanced Least Squares Adjustment, ISBN 9789863630791, Canghai Bookstore, Taichung. 2019.01 Edition Errata
You, R.J. (2011): Coordinate systems and its transformations for Geomatics and Geo-spatial Information, ISBN 978-957-41-8374-6, page 414. Department of Surveying and Spatial Informatics, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan
Grafarend, E.W., You, R.J. and Syffus, R. (2014): Map projections for Cartographic Information Systems. 2nd. Edition,
2 Volumes, ISBN 978-3-642-36493-8, Springer Verlag, Berlin
You, R.J. (1995): Zur analytischen Bahnberechnung-kuensflicher Erdsatelliten mittels konformer Transformationen. Ph.D. Dissertation,
Universitaet Stuttgart, Deutschland, DGK C440, Muenchen. ISSN 0065-5325, ISBN 3-7696-9483-X (Ph.D. dissertation, Stuttgart University,
Germany. English translation: Analytical Computation of Earth artificial satelite's orbits by conformal transformations.)
You, R.J. (1990): Berechnung einer J2-gestoerten Satellitenbahn. Diplom Arbeit des Geodaetischen Institut der Universitaet Stuttgart.
(M.Sc. thesis of Stuttgart University. English translation: Computation of a J2-perturbed satellite orbit. )
You R.J. (1984): A review of the accuracy of the Taiwan Triangulation Network. National Cheng Kung University Institute of Aeronautical Survey Master's thesis. MSc. Thesis, Institute of Photogrammetry, National Cheng Kung University.
Journal Papers (since 2005)
- You, R.J. and Lee, C.-L. (2020): Accuracy improvement of airborne Lidar strip adjustment by using height data and surface Feature strength information derived from the tensor voting algorithm. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 9, 50; doi:10.3390/ijgi9010050.
- Hsu, Y.-J. Lai, Y.-R., You, R.-J. Chen, H.-Y., Teng, S.L. Tsai, Y., Tang, C.-H., and Su, H.H. Su (2018): Detecting rock uplift across southern Taiwan mountain belt by integrated GPS and leveling data.doi.org/10.1016/j.tecto.2018.07.012,Tectonophysics,744(2018) 275-284.
- Imani, M., Chen Y.-C., You,R.J., Lan, W.-H., Kuo, C.Y., Chang, J.C., and Rateb, A. (2017): Spatiotemporal Prediction of Satellite Altimetry Sea Level Anomalies in the Tropical Pacific Ocean. IEEE GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING LETTERS, VOL. 14, NO. 7: 1126-1130.
- Imani, M., You, R.J. * and Kuo, C.Y. (2016): Prediction of Caspian Sea Level Fluctuations Using Artificial Intelligence. In Srivastava, P. K. (2016): "Geospatial Technology for Water Resource Development", Chapter 15. 978-1498719681, CRC Press, Taylor and Francis, USA.
- Keller, W. and You, R.J. (2015): Rosborough approach for the determination of regional time variability of the gravity field from satellite gradiometry data. International Journal on Geomathematics 6: 295-318 (11/ 2015). MOST 104-2911-1-006-518 .
- Grafarend, E.W. and You, R.J. (2015): Fourth order Taylor-Kármán structured covariance tensor for gravity gradient predictions by means of the Hankel transformation. International Journal on Geomathematics 6: 319-342 (11/ 2015). MOST 102- 2911-I-006-507, 104-2911- I-006-518.
- Keller, W. and You, R.J. (2014): Adaptation of the torus and Rosborough approach to radial base functions. Studia Geophysica et Geodaetica, Volume 58, Issue 2, pp 249-268.
- You, R.J. and Ko, C.H. (2014); Optimal scale factor on the central meridian for a 2oTM map Projection in TWD97. Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, Vol. 37, No. 1, pp.103-109, DOI:10.1080/02533839.2012.751335. (NSC 99-2221-E-006-182)
- Imani, M., You, R.J., and Kuo, C.Y. (2014): Forecasting Caspian Sea level changed using satellite altimetry data (June 1992-December 2013) based on evolutionary support vector regression algorithms and gene expression programming. Global and Planetary Change 121, pp 53-63. (NSC 102-2221-E-006-234)
- Imani, M., You, R.J., and Kuo, C.Y. (2014): Caspian Sea Level Prediction Using Satellite Altimetry by Artificial Neural Networks, International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, Volume 11, Issue 4, pp 1035-1042. DOI: 10.1007/s13762-013-0287-z. (NSC 100-2221-E-006-234, NSC 101-2221-E-006-183)
- Imani, M., You, R.J., and Kuo, C.Y. (2014): Analysis and Prediction of Caspian Sea Level pattern Anomalies Observed by Satellite Altimetry Using Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average Models. Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 7, Issue 8, pp. 3339-3348. DOI: 10.1007/s12517- 013-1048-5. (NSC 102-2221-E-006-234)
- Imani, M., You, R.J., Kuo, C.Y. (2013): Accurate Forecasting of Satellite-derived Seasonal Caspian Sea Level Anomaly Using Polynomial Interpolation and Holt-Winters Exponential Smoothing. Terrestrial Atmospheric and Oceanic Science, Vol. 24, No. 4, Part I, 521-530, DOI:10.3319/TAO.2012.10.12.01(TibXS). (NSC 100-2221-E- 006-234)
- You, R.J. and Lin, B.C. (2011): A Quality Prediction Method for Building Model Reconstruction using LiDAR Data and Topographic Map. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing Vol. 49 (9) PP 3471-3480 (NSC 98-2221-E-006-218, NSC 99-2221-E-006-182)
- You, R.J. and Lin, B. C. (2011): Building feature extraction from airborne Lidar data based on tensor voting algorithm. Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, Vol. 77 (12) 1221-1231. NSC 95-2221-E006-337, NSC 98-2221-E-006-218, NSC 99-2221-E-006-182.
- You, R.J. and Wang, W.L. (2009): Automatic planar feature matching for adjustment of Lidar strips. J. Photogr. & Remote Sensing, Vol 14, No.3, pp. 185-199. (in Chinese)
- You, R.J. and Yang, M. J. (2008): Influence of local ionospheric model on GPS positioning --- A case study of Taiwan’s GPS tracking data over 2004. J. Chinese Society of Engineering Surveying, Vol. 50, No., 12, pp. 19-36. (in Chinese)
- You, R. J. (2006): Local Geoid Improvement Using GPS and Leveling Data: Case Study. ASCE J. Surv. Eng. Vol. 132, N0, 3, pp. 101-107.
- You, R.J. and Hwang, H.W. (2006):Coordinate Transformation between Two geodetic Datums of Taiwan by Least Squares Collocation. ASCE J. Surv. Eng. Vol. 132, N0, 2, pp. 64-70.
- You, R.J., Lee, C.H. and Lin, B.C. (2006): Airborne Lidar data filtering using robust prediction method. J. Chinese Society of Engineering Surveying, Vol. 48, No. 1&2, pp. 63-80. (in Chinese)
- You, R.J. and Lee, C.L. (2005): Application of the Common Subsequence Algorithms on the Automatic Detection of Building Boundaries by Integrating Image Features and LiDAR Point Clouds. J. Chinese Society of Engineering Surveying, Vol. 47, No. 4, pp. 21-34. (in Chinese)
Conference papers (since 2010)
- You, R.J.Research on the application of linear seven-parameter similar conversion to the aerial triangulation adjustment of a MMS. (in Chinese) TGIS 2020, Dec. 10-11, Tainan.
- Lin, S.-W. and You, R.-J. (2018): Positioning accuracy improvement of terrestrial mobile mapping systems using a bundle block adjustment. The 39th ACRS, 2018.10.15-10.19, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
- Tsai, T.-Z. and You, R.-J. (2018) Linear solution of overdetermined seven-parameter transformation. The 39th ACRS, 2018.10.15-10.19, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
- Jhou, C.-Y., Lin, S.-W., You, R. J. (2018): Positioning Improvement of Mobile Mapping System by Bundle Adjustment and Shadow Matching. International Symposium on Remote Sensing 2018, 9 – 11 May 2018, Alpensia Convention Center, Pyeongchang, Korea.
- Lia, Y.-R., Hsu, Y.-J., You, R.-J. (2017): Integrating Continuous GPS Time Series and Geodetic Leveling Data to Estimate Secular Vertical Velocity of Taiwan. American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting, 11-15 Dec. 2017, New Orleans, Louisiana.
- You, R.J. and Kao, W.N. (2015): GOCE gravity gradient predictions by Taylor-Marman structured covariance tensor. ACRS 2015 The 36th Asian Conference on Remote Sensing 10.19. - 10.23 2015, Manila, Philippines. MOST 102-2221-E-006-234.
- Liu, Z.F. , Pan, L.W. and You, R.J. (2015): Determination of Earth’s gravity field by Torus and Rosborough approaches. (in Chinese) The 34th Survey and Geographical Information Research Conference, August. 27-28,2015, National Ilan University, Ilan. (MOST 103-2221-E-006-169)
- Yan, H. and You, R.J. (2015) A method to solve the multicollinearity problems. (in Chinese) The 34th Survey and Geographical Information Research Conference, August. 27-28,2015, Nation al Ilan University, Ilan. (MOST 103-2221-E-006-169)
- Huang, W.C., Lin, Y.T. and You, R.J (2015) Shadow matching algorithm and VRS-RTK technique for mobile positioning. (in Chinese) The 34th Survey and Geographical Information Research Conference, August. 27-28,2015, Nation al Ilan University, Ilan.
- Ko, C.H. and You, R.J. (2015) A study of optimal scale factor on a 2oTM map in TWD97. (in Chinese) The 34th Survey and Geographical Information Research Conference, August. 27-28,2015, Nation al Ilan University, Ilan.
- Lia, Y.-R., Wang, T.-T., Huang, T.H., You, R.-J. (2015): Multi-scale and Temporal-stage Integrated Survey Technology for Site Displacement and Deformation Monitoring in Geotechnical Engineering. The 26th General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG), 22 June – 2 July 2015, Prague, Czech Republic.
- Imani, M, You, R.J. and C.Y. Kao (2013): Prediction lake level variations using satellite observations in Caspain Sea: Case study. The 34th Asian Conference on Remote Sensing. 20-24 October, 2013, Bali, Indonesia.
- Grafarend, E.W. and You, R.J. (2013): The Geometry of the Kepler orbit/perturbed Kepler orbit/ in Maupertuis manifold by minimizing the scalar of Riemann Curvature tensor, aspect of the Kustaanheimo-Stiefel elements in Satellite Geodesy. The General Assembly 2013 of the European Geosciences Union to be held in Vienna, Austria, 07-12 April 2013.
- You, R.J. and Lin, B. C. (2012): Residual Tensor Analysis for Quality Assessment of Data Integration. The 33th Asian Conference on Remote Sensing. 26-30 November, 2012, Pattaya, Thailand.
- Lin, B.C. and You, R.J. (2012): Tensor-Based quality prediction for building model reconstruction from LiDAR data and topographic map. The XXII Congress of the International Society for Photogrammetry and remote Sensing, VII/7: Theory and Experiments in Radar and Lidar, 25 Aug. - 1 Sept, 2012, Melbourne, Australia.
- Hsu, M.C and You, R.J. (2012): Map-aided GPS/INS Navigation with DEM Data. (英文) 測量及空間資訊學術研討會,Sept. 27-28,2012,中國文化大學,台北。
- Imani, M., You, R. J., Kuo, C.-Y., and Ardalan, A. (2011): Sea level variations at southern part of Caspian sea as one of the effective factors in environmental damage at coastal areas of Iran. International Conference on Environmental Quality Concern, Control and Conservation, May 20-21, 2011, Kaohsiung, Taiwan ROC.
- Lin, B.C., You, R.J. M.C., Shu, M.C. (2010): Building model reconstruction with LiDAR data and topographic map by registration of building outlines. ISPRS 1910-2010 Centenary Celebration, July 2-7, 2010, Vienna, Austria.
Research Projects: (Since 2015)
- Tensor voting algorithm for the classification and segmentation of airborne laser data (National Science Council Project 2005-2006)
- Geometric feature extraction from Lidar data by Tensor Voting algorithm (National Science Council Project 2006-2007)
- A study of adjustment model for combination of LIDAR and photogrammetric data and its applications (National Science Council Project 2007-2008)
- Integration of Lidar and photogrammetric image data for building reconstruction and its quality analysis (National Science Council Project 2008-2009)
- A study of the specifications and standards for land information data circulation ( Ministry of the interior project 2009)
- Development of a service management system for cadastral data in national land information system ( Ministry of the interior project 2009)
- A study of GPS/INS Positioning and Orientation Determination by using additional auxiliary terrestrial data (National Science Council Project 2010-2011)
- A study of GPS/INS Positioning and Orientation Determination by using additional auxiliary terrestrial data (II) (National Science Council Project 2011-2012)
- A Study of Correlation Functions and Variance-Covariance Tensors of a Multi- Dimensional Vector Field for Geomatic Applications (I). (National Science Council Project 2012-2013)
- A Study of Correlation Functions and Variance-Covariance Tensors of a Multi- Dimensional Vector Field for Geomatic Applications (II). (National Science Council Project 2013-2014)
- A study of Torus- and Rosborough approach using spherical wavelets for local gravity field recovery (Ministry of Science and Technology project 2014-2015)
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